Recent content by moron selfishness

  1. moron selfishness

    Current RA members: New Oath I, the usual moron, as the leader of Moron Selfishess, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society!! I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for...
  2. moron selfishness

    Letter From the Future

    OK, maybe I'm completely off topic, but it seems to me its all hasty presumptions about the future... As always, history will be written by the winners... Which will rejoice whether they're starving to death or not... So, let's just try not to get hysterical... and behave *personally* as...
  3. moron selfishness

    Who Posts Next?

    yep. this is the Emperor Matthuis usurper... at least until he awakes! :) MI?
  4. moron selfishness

    The Greatest Moronic Deed

    Mental Imagination, I've seen you around and I magnanimously decided I liked what I saw. Your blattant swaggering has left me speechless for a few microseconds. You are a generous moronophile and regarded with great esteem and infection throughout our barren lands. So, in the name of Great...
  5. moron selfishness

    Letter From the Future

    that's so easy isn't it? so, how would you sort Giordano Bruno, Copernicus or Galileo? what about Einstein and Oppenheimer? Von Braun? and Van Gogh? and Oscar Wilde or Pablo Neruda? how would you sort the popes? and Martin Luther? and Enola Gay? please enlighten me fast! it sounds so easy!
  6. moron selfishness

    Letter From the Future

    Greetings to you all! i just popped in to show off my good manures! (i just wonder if emarian can find a nice pict now :rofl:)
  7. moron selfishness

    Sum Yun Gi: Vanguard of The New Golden Age

    Reporting for exturmination, Sir!
  8. moron selfishness

    The Greatest Moronic Deed

    Nice line! I think i'll use it! You are really imaginative Mental! Just tell me when you run for an institution... you'll have my vote! :lol:
  9. moron selfishness

    Suggestion Box

    My Dearest Hersfold, First of all let me publicize that in my previous post i had not the slightest intention to grasp your Utmost Immateriality by any means. It just happens, as my closest friends put it, i generally tend to behave as (and i quote) "an obstinate asinine scumbag" (end of...
  10. moron selfishness

    Suggestion Box

    C'mon pal!!! Has this NP place become an anarchy??? Were can i get reliable data on who to corrupt in the higher spheres of influence??? Disgusting... Being a useless peon doesn't grant you any promotion at all! I say! :boom
  11. moron selfishness

    Suggestion Box

    Oh Great Hersfold, Pusillanimous Administrator of this North Pacific thingy, A few days ago i tried to apply for admittance in this Regional Council of yours by sending a sort of automatic post to someone i cannot remember right now. I am now in a state of great aggravation for not receiving a...
  12. moron selfishness

    The Greatest Moronic Deed

    And now, the nice badges that thrived your anticipation! (which you can use as you please, although i recommend you copy them to your PCs and put in the recycle bin for later deletion)... Aren't they so cute? 127,42% moronically handmade!
  13. moron selfishness

    The Greatest Moronic Deed

    as for you, Cthul Murgus, i rejoice with my anticipatory clairvoyance! You just undertook your first maneuver of preeminent bravery by titillating my onanistic egomania! Your nonchalant paladinate is now awarded the motto "LA NONCHALANCE EST MON LIQUEUR"
  14. moron selfishness

    The Greatest Moronic Deed

    OPA, i'm a great moron, i'm reaaaaly The Greatest Mororon of all, but i'm not a complete halfwit... And thou, Sir, art no moron at all, no siree – you are just a loony. And we morons tend do disregard loonies with a presumptuous eye. Or two (at the same time whenever achievable). Please adress...