Recent content by The Crazy Monkeymen

  1. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Nationstates Monopoly

    omg! That is amazing! I want a set!
  2. The Crazy Monkeymen


    Yes.....last night, Cath and IP removed the sitting Delegate and the HC, declaring a dictatorship. Many of us left the region, and have started the region of Taijitu. None of us plan on returning to The Lex. Instead, we are going to build a bigger and better region than The Lexicon ever was...
  3. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Insane Power Resigns

    I'd appreciate not being discussed without everyone having the full extent of the facts known to them. Contact details are in my profile if you want them, but I am not likely to be answering questions, as I still, *stupidly*, care about The Lex.
  4. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Lone Wolves United

    And yet you sent me a PM saying.... Care to make up you mind? :P
  5. The Crazy Monkeymen


    Guys, do you just play dumb, or are you really just stupid as everyone thinks you are? (Now watch how I get moaned at for flaming while the original post at the start of this thread doesn't) Why are the ickle TNPers incapable of capitalising the T in the? It is The Lexicon. Oh, actually, I...
  6. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Protest of TCM Application

    Heh...real funny Fedele. Actually, my first application was turned down because of the nation that I was applying with. Now I am applying with another nation, one that was only just restored, so has played no part in the war at all. I also did this because I thought I'd give you guys a chance...
  7. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Protest of TCM Application

    Mocking my achievements.....hardly fair to someone who is has shown nothing but good will in this thread. Edited to say that I apologise for the spamming of this thread. Should it be neccessary to continue this discussion elsewhere, I would be happy to do so :)
  8. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Protest of TCM Application

    Nowhere in the Constitution does it says that you cannot challenge the Delegate. I challenged FEC, who is no longer Delegate. I have not challenged Unter, or GBM, and even if I did, there is still nothing that says that I cannot do that. Once again, I point out that The Lexiconians were...
  9. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Protest of TCM Application

    "Unendorse FEC" was banned, "UnendorseFEC" (no gap) is still in TNP. I would like to point out that as a member of The Lexicon, and after having demonstrated dissatifaction with the way that TNP is run, I have repeatedly been told to sign up on the forum and join the RA in order to have my...
  10. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Protest of TCM Application

    :o :no: :cry:
  11. The Crazy Monkeymen

    From The Lexicon

    You sir, quite clearly need to remember that I am female. So it is ma'am to you [edit]
  12. The Crazy Monkeymen

    From The Lexicon

    You sir, quite frankly, are a [edit] prick. Have a good day :)
  13. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Puppet master of "Unendorse FEC"

    Or you guys need to lighten up a bit and actually allow this game to be fun! Yes....fuuuuuunnnnnn!
  14. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Puppet master of "Unendorse FEC"

    I am going to leave this thread now. I will return at a later date, but so far, everything that I thought about your region has been proved true, and let me tell you that it has made me more determined that you could *ever* imagine to ensure that The Lexicon wins and that this is not allowed to...
  15. The Crazy Monkeymen

    Puppet master of "Unendorse FEC"

    You clearly need to grow up and get a life if that is the case!