[SC - PASSED] Commend Kractero

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TNP Nation

Commend Kractero
Category: Commendation | Target: Kractero
Proposed by: Millenhaal, Co-authored by: Anjan Kloss | Onsite Topic

This Security Council,

Knowing that, in the field of international artwork, only a select few nations rise above the rest and leave a lasting impact on the landscape akin to those that this august body has honored, and wholeheartedly believing that the nation of Kractero is worthy to be included amongst these ranks, having forged a positive legacy that is sure to be admired for all time,

Wowed by Kractero’s achievements in artwork collection, whose galleries contain prized artworks of value and beauty, even owning an iteration of every artwork deemed “Legendary” by the International Artwork Commission as of this resolution’s passage, a feat coveted by many but achieved by few,

Enchanted by Kractero’s prowess in the creation of helpful technology, constructing robots designed to perform many different functions to service artwork collectors and others in performing tasks that would otherwise be insurmountably difficult to do in a reasonable amount of time,

Amazed by Kractero’s creation of the automaton known as “Decorator”, which, upon prompting, distributes standardized flags and other banners to satellite states of any given nation and instantaneously enforcing their active use, saving weary puppetmasters from doing this action themselves,

Praising Kractero’s painstaking development of “Hare”, a gargantuan, organized fleet of friendly robots that seek primarily to aid artwork collectors in all manner of tasks, such as expediting tedious work, providing useful information at the click of a button, and improving efficiency at common tasks, available to anyone, whereas previously these functions were scattered across random repositories of knowledge inaccessible to those without specific knowledge of their workings and the abilities to employ them,

Appreciating that Kractero retooled and reworked out-of-service models for use in the fleets of Hare, originally developed by their predecessors, such as “GotIssues”, originally created by 9003, which produces artwork at an astounding rate , and JunkDaJunk, also created by 9003, which automatically sorts through artwork possessed over satellite states into what is kept and what can be discarded through a highly configurable system that is far faster than doing it alone,

Awed by Kractero’s seemingly reality-bending powers in the creation of the tool Cardtainers, which allows enterprising art-collecting nations to operate the governments of multiple satellites at one time, and do it in a far more efficient manner than the previously established tool for doing so, which was not designed for artwork,

Extolling the many useful utilities Kractero has built into its Hare androids, making the lives of art snobs the world over significantly easier, such as:
  • Legendary Tracker, which keeps a database of all legendary nations, the editions they achieved this honor in, and whether or not those nations are extant at any given time, providing a useful resource to keep tabs on the oft-maligned ceased-to-exist legendaries,
  • Auction, which streamlines the process of transferring liquid wealth from one national treasury to another into a remote action which can be done quickly and efficiently,
  • The Kractero Card Queries, officially titled “Kee” which provides at an instant a list of artworks that meet any desired specifications, a core application for any would-be curator, which is similar to the inactive North Pacific Card Queries, but with significant interface improvements without any decrease in functionality,
  • Bazaar, a detailed log of every single trade ever conducted in the international auction house, even dating back to the building’s mysterious coalescence on April 1st, 2018,
  • Gold Ledger, a comprehensive leaderboard, that meticulously tracks the top 100 most valuable collections of artwork from across the world, offering an unrivaled resource for comparing the cultural treasures curated by nations,

Exalting the ubiquity of Kractero’s technology amongst the entire international artwork community, a state achieved due to its ease of use, impressive functionality and widespread availability, transforming what was once obscured to the majority to something even a simple hobbyist could use, reshaping the landscape of international artwork to a degree that merits adulation by this body,

Hereby commends Kractero.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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