Commend Sil Dorsett
Category: Commendation | Target: Sil Dorsett
Proposed by: Pallaith | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.The Security Council,
Honoring the steadfast and selfless Sil Dorsett, whose contributions in their home region serve as foundational pillars and demonstrate that titanic effort at home will reverberate abroad, as it is that effort which makes all broader accomplishments possible;
Recounting their extensive accomplishments in The North Pacific in every branch of government over a decade of continuous service:
- Entrenching, as Minister of World Assembly Affairs for over a year, the region’s process of informing its people of WA votes, providing them with swift guidance and alerts as resolutions came up, a standard the ministry has maintained ever since their tenure in office ended, due to their training of their successors and stable of deputies;
- Establishing, as Vice Delegate, a template for continual endorsement tracking and regular regional reports of this data, cementing a standard of communication related to the region’s Security Council actions and progress in managing endorsement levels;
- Helping, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, to shepherd the region through the St Abbaddon pile-off and beginning the work for what would eventually be The Treaty of The Northern Passage between The North Pacific and Europe;
- Recreating, as Speaker of The Regional Assembly, the citizenship registry after its original provider allowed it to fall into disrepair, and providing a backup registry to prevent future delays from failed tech, so that the region’s long-established practice of tracking and managing citizenship would continue uninterrupted;
- Participating, as a Court Justice, in landmark free speech and citizenship rulings which continue to serve as precedent for subsequent cases;
- Serving with distinction as one of the longest-tenured members of the region’s Security Council; and
- Adapting, as the longest-tenured Chief Election Commissioner, to every challenge that has surfaced during their years in office and refining the commission’s practices to better manage elections and safeguard the vote;
Exalting their service as the region’s foremost technological expert, which involved filling voids left by previous technological guardians and establishing permanent structures that could outlive their personal involvement, including the establishment of the region’s longest-running personnel and citizenship management bot, and which allowed the region to rebuild and better position itself after the cascade of technical glitches and mishaps that ensued when the region’s previous expert suddenly disappeared without a succession plan;
Pleased with their maintenance of the regional nation, which made it possible to continue the artwork lottery and system of dispatch alerts that inform the region of crucial business and provide crucial information about the region to any outside observers;
Noting their collaboration with Europeia to bring that region’s tools to The North Pacific and provide a consistent means for recruiting new talent and residents during a historic decline in membership across the entire multiverse;
Celebrating their labor of love as one of the longest-standing guardians of the region’s creative community, whereby they:
- Successfully integrated diverse concepts and ideas from far away lands into the worlds crafted by their fellow creators, and in particular resolved a literal crisis of faith by accommodating competing religious faiths;
- Fostered an environment that guaranteed regular and meaningful discourse in the region’s official forum by centering it as the place to share and develop the worlds and stories engineered by its members;
- Popularized character-based stories, rendering traditional trade deal minutiae and extensive diplomatic dialogue content obsolete, and allowing stories to focus on narratives with emotional and personal centers; and
- Mediated countless conflicts large and small as the creative forum’s lead moderator, resolving plot-based and personality-driven disputes and being the ever-present, even-handed source of justice for all;
Applauding their often thankless effort as one of the few remaining guardians looking after the region’s primary forums, a duty they take on as a substitute due to the lack of official administrators to conduct daily business;
Acknowledging Sil Dorsett’s limitless capacity for providing assistance few are able to provide, and for taking on burdens few wish to carry, thereby perpetuating the community they love, while being incredibly impressed they do it all despite their aversion for the politics, constant threats, and scrutiny that community experiences daily;
Asserting that their selfless efforts and talents are essential and that without them, their great region could not meaningfully impact the wider multiverse with its own diverse talents and aspirations, and the world around them would be lesser as a result;
Hereby commends Sil Dorsett
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
10 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Information For Voters
The resolution seeks to commend Sil Dorsett for their work in The North Pacific, more specifically their numerous governmental positions such as Vice Delegate, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of World Assembly Affairs, where they oversaw many accomplishments. In addition, the resolution highlights their technological prowess, community building, and skilled mediator abilities.
There is no doubt the immense positive impact Sil Dorsett has had on TNP, this very own region. We see recognition as only deserving for someone who has continued to go above and beyond in everything they do, becoming fundamental to this regions' success over a long period of hardwork and dedication.Thus, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For “Commend Sil Dorsett”.
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