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Medical Care For The Incarcerated
Category: Health | Area of Effect: Healthcare
Proposed by: Jedinsto | Onsite Topic
The World Assembly,
Appreciative of prior efforts to improve medical rights and other civil rights for prisoners such as GA#161, and
Wishing to expand upon these efforts,
Hereby enacts the following:
- Regarding the Insane:
- If a person has been charged with a crime, and that person’s representation is able to prove that the individual charged (whether they actually committed the offense charged or not) has a debilitating and severe mental illness or disability, and would lack the ability to understand the potentially wrongful nature of their actions due to the illness, that person shall not be held criminally responsible for the action in question. Such a person for the purposes of this resolution shall be considered “insane.”
- An insane person may be suggested mental health treatment, but shall only be forced into treatment upon refusal if that person has been determined by a competent medical professional to pose a direct threat to themselves or others as a result of the mental illness in question.
- Insane people shall not be treated as prisoners, rather as free members of society or as patients, and shall enjoy the same rights as if they were acquitted for any other reason than insanity. Exceptions to this can be made where it is necessary to restrict an insane person’s ability to do certain things (including but not limited to owning weapons or operating vehicles) in order to maintain the safety of others and of that person as a result of their illness.
- Regarding the Incarcerated:
- For the purposes of this resolution, “incarceration” shall mean the detainment of a person on the basis of either suspecting that person of a crime or that person being convicted of a crime, “facility” shall mean any establishment which holds incarcerated people on a long-term basis, and “inmate” shall mean incarcerated people being held in those facilities.
- No person shall be denied access to medical care of any kind due to being incarcerated or previously incarcerated.
- Incarcerated people forcibly confined in any facility must have access to professional medical evaluations from time to time.
- Areas within facilities that house inmates must have equipment available to alert medical staff in case of an emergency.
- Medical professionals inside facilities shall be held to a minimum of the same standard of training for the same or similar jobs as medical professionals outside the facilities.
Voting Instructions:
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For Against Abstain Present 0 0 0 0
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