Ministry of WA Affairs Office


Announcement of Changes to The North Pacific's Policy on External Campaign Telegrams​

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs would like to announce that going forwards we will be asking foreign nations not to send tag:wa campaigns about World Assembly resolutions to The North Pacific. I will be asking the Delegate to discuss next steps towards ensuring The North Pacific's sovereignty is paramount when we discuss World Assembly messaging. Please note that this policy change does not affect telegrams sent only to the in-game delegate.
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I'll be taking a leave of absence tomorrow and Friday. I will be available Saturday morning to complete tasks necessary for the end of the term.


End of Term Address​

Tomorrow, most likely, a new delegate will be sworn in. Whether a new minister marches into my office and cleans it out, or I am invited to return, it's been an honor to serve The North Pacific as her Minister of World Assembly Affairs. As my final action for this term, I declare 2025 the Year of National Sovereigntism. The trend of resolutions being repealed will continue, this administration's work is not finished. Flemingovia bless us, every one. Thank you.


Beginning of Term Address​

Hello again. As you may be able to tell, I’m not one for long messages. Let’s cover some business here.
  • Heroes of Valhalla: We’ll be contacting our allies tonight about reviving this. We’re making this effective. Let’s get to work. We’re also looking to rebrand so stay tuned!
  • WALL: WALL is a good way to make sure we write IFVs for quality. We're going to reach out to our allies in WALL to make sure we can all benefit from that as a collective.
  • More NatSov: Most resolutions on the books must be destroyed. They are inefficient and costly. I know it, you know it, a lot of people here know it.
  • I am appointing @Euler and @Nutmeg The Squirrel as my Deputy Ministers of World Assembly Affairs. Their work last term was invaluable and I have learned much from them.
It's an honor to be working with you all again. Thank you to Chipoli for trusting me and to all of you for engaging with the Ministry.

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