[GA—UP NEXT—FOR] Repeal: “World Assembly Headquarters”


TNP Nation
Mackinac Island

Repeal: “World Assembly Headquarters”
Category: Repeal | Target: GA#8
Proposed by: Walkabout, Co-author: Varanius | Onsite Topic

Repeal: "World Assembly Headquarters"

Recognizing that GA 8, the resolution establishing the World Assembly Office of Building Management (OBM) and a centralized World Assembly headquarters, is inefficient and misguided in both its conception and execution;

Concerned that the resolution diverts valuable resources away from the WA’s primary mission of addressing critical global issues such as universal rights, economic development, and environmental preservation, by focusing on the costly and redundant task of real estate management;

Acknowledging that the authority granted to the OBM to impose arbitrary fees on member nations for office space and facilities usage creates opportunities for inequitable treatment and financial burdens, disproportionately affecting smaller or less influential states, especially as these fees are imposed on top of existing member dues mandated by GA 17 'WA General Fund,' resulting in double-dipping and placing undue hardship on less prosperous nations;

Emphasizing that the legitimacy of the WA does not depend on a physical headquarters, but on the international cooperation, diplomacy, and shared values that the WA fosters can be achieved without centralized physical infrastructure;

Noting that the establishment of a WA headquarters on "neutral international territory" risks sparking territorial disputes, legal complications, and geopolitical tensions, which contradicts the resolution's aim of promoting international harmony;

Disapproving of the dismissive and unprofessional language used in the resolution to describe WA diplomats, which undermines the dignity and credibility of the World Assembly as a serious international body;

Hereby repeals GA 8 "World Assembly Headquarters."

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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Repeal: "The World Assembly Headquarters" would repeal the central resolution that defines boundaries for the World Assembly Headquarters and its operations.

This resolution is a good first step in making the World Assembly Headquarters a non-physical center of operations. This will financially inconvenience nations much less in the long term than a physical entity that operates based on fees from member nations, which could lead to inequity in access to WAHQ offices. The World Assembly will no longer be able to overcollect on poorer nations for office space in headquarters, in other words.

This IFV recommendation was written by Mackinac Island in collaboration with the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
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Against. Also for disclosure (since folks seem to ask), I've both filed a legality challenge (which is actually more related to GA17 than to this one) and I am campaigning for an Against vote in this vote.
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Against. GA#8 is an iconic resolution that should not lose its existence to NatSovs. A HQ is absolutely necessary for an organisation of this scope, and the authors of the repeal clearly have no intention of replacing it. The double taxing aspect which the repeal makes out to be a big issue is in fact a non-issue as long as reasonable fees are applied. I concur with the opinion of the GA regulars on the forums, both old and new, in opposing this proposal.
The repeal mistakes "headquarters" as an office block when (in character) it is a sanctuary for various acts that may be hindered by WA laws (or by the laws of non-WA countries), such as abortions or gender affirmation surgery that may be prohibited in WA states. I would strongly campaign against this resolution.
The repeal mistakes "headquarters" as an office block when (in character) it is a sanctuary for various acts that may be hindered by WA laws (or by the laws of non-WA countries), such as abortions or gender affirmation surgery that may be prohibited in WA states. I would strongly campaign against this resolution.
Not buying your argument.

Against. GA#8 is an iconic resolution that should not lose its existence to NatSovs. A HQ is absolutely necessary for an organisation of this scope, and the authors of the repeal clearly have no intention of replacing it. The double taxing aspect which the repeal makes out to be a big issue is in fact a non-issue as long as reasonable fees are applied. I concur with the opinion of the GA regulars on the forums, both old and new, in opposing this proposal.
Buying yours.

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Not buying your argument.

Buying yours.


I would take any against vote.

There's also an alternative argument from Goobergunchia that the WAHQ is a physical facility and thus cannot be demolished without another resolution.
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If this passes, Simone, TNP's author of 10,000 resolutions, will lose his cushy corner office on the 22nd floor. Since I would hate to see that happen, I am -
