Petronellania Discovery - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Petronellania Discord angrybear2084 Dec 8, 2024 #23,961 5
Simone Ursine thingy - - Pronouns It TNP Nation Simone_Republic Discord simonenstnp Thursday at 8:51 AM #23,966 10
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Thursday at 2:04 PM #23,968 2
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Thursday at 8:36 PM #23,970 4
Siwale Administrator - - - Pronouns he/him/his TNP Nation Siwale Discord siwale Friday at 5:47 AM #23,971 5
Petronellania Discovery - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Petronellania Discord angrybear2084 Friday at 8:02 AM #23,972 6
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Friday at 7:45 PM #23,975 0
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Friday at 8:43 PM #23,976 1
Ferdinand IV King of Croitania - Pronouns Thy/Thou TNP Nation Croitania Discord nfld Saturday at 5:02 PM #23,978 3
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Sunday at 2:28 AM #23,979 4
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Sunday at 9:08 AM #23,981 6
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Monday at 12:54 PM #23,983 0
Petronellania Discovery - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Petronellania Discord angrybear2084 Yesterday at 7:09 AM #23,984 1