Winter Kingdom
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
- TNP Nation
- Boston Castle
- Discord
- seathestarlesssky

Hello North Pacificans!
Young and old, new and ancient, welcome to what I'm affectionately calling my revenge tour. This time with revenge being taken by inflicting myself on the good people of NationStates once again. It's an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to serve here again. We'll see how long this stint lasts. For now, what I can say is that it definitely has a cap time wise, both on my usefulness and my capabilities to serve.
In any case, I'll keep this necessarily brief. Three main points here: Personnel, Orientation to the World, and A Statement of Intent.
- Personnel
As it stands, @Kaschovia and @Attempted Socialism will remain as Deputy Ministers. I've been properly satisfied they've contributed positively to the Ministry term and am glad to have them aboard. Their contributions, particularly one I was quite literally just made aware of, will be immensely valuable as we attempt to build up the next generation of North Pacifican Foreign Affairs leadership. I'll also be bringing @Dalimbar aboard as a Deputy Minister and intend to have him take on a mentoring role to our team as well. While one might quibble with some of Dali's activities in the distant past, he is nothing shy of fabulous, and our folks have much to learn from such established and exemplary (even if not always the most benevolent) leadership.
- Orientation to the World
Nothing has changed in regards to the relationships we will prioritize. I look forward to continuing the good work done by the Ministry to repair the damage caused by the raid on the Kodiak Republic. I also look forward to continuing the good work done by the Ministry in expanding our connections in the UCR sphere. While I'm sure certain of our allies will have opinions on my appointment to this position, I want to assuage them with the same statement I always have because it is true. While I am a representative of the North Pacific, I act on behalf of the North, not based on my petty personal grievances. Any and all partners should feel safe and welcome to discuss any issues that might affect their relationship with the North with me, regardless of gameplay orientation or prior history with me. I sincerely look forward to speaking and cooperating with just about anyone who desires it....subject in the latter case to the Delegate's approval, of course.
One brief statement on orientation though: effective immediately I am closing the forum embassies with Community and Merciam. As both are moribund regions gameside, I see no reason to continue their diplomatic representation on our forums. If those regions or their representatives would like to plead otherwise, I would be happy to discuss this with them.
- A Statement of Intent
Lastly, as a statement of intent, I want to offer myself, once again, to the world. Much has changed since I last sat in this seat or similar. I'm two years older, two years wiser, and have learned a good bit from my time in the proverbial wilderness. It's been interesting to see this from the other side, as the sort of provincial elite in my beloved Blue Ridge. It's also been interesting to be able to view the world with different eyes. If anything, I'm here living proof that individuals can and do recover from mistakes, missteps, and can even find their own way again. While I commend the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the past, I think our mission has been muddied by not having a clear sense of where we were going but too keen a sense of where we have been. In offering myself to the world again, I want to change that.
Starting now, we ought to think of the past nor even of the present. We ought to think of the future that we want to achieve and strive and build toward that.
Wishing you all the best as we move into this new age,

~~Boston Castle/Hulldom
Minister of Foreign Affairs