I know I just requested this, but I put the wrong nation. Can it be Xanditer instead? Apologies in advance.i would like to change my citizenship nation to Amatigniq Tanangin
I know I just requested this, but I put the wrong nation. Can it be Xanditer instead? Apologies in advance.i would like to change my citizenship nation to Amatigniq Tanangin
Done.I like to switch my citizenship nation back to Neptunian Military Administration.
Noted. Your residency mask will be removed and recorded in the Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications thread.Im leaving TNP
Noted.Updating my citizen nation to Chodean Kal.
Noted.Updating my citizenship nation to: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=cassiars
Noted.I would like to change my nation from Turpotia to Sturklisan.
Noted.I am changing my nation in The North Pacific to Boston Castle.
Noted.I would like to change my citizenship nation to Santones. Thanks.
Your renunciation of citizenship is acknowledged.I wish to resign from the Ministry of Home Affairs and renounce my citizenship.
You don't currently have citizenship, but I'll update the resident sheet.I would like to change my citizenship to the new nation of Paradaia
NationStates | The Theocracy of Paradaia