[GA—AT VOTE—AGAINST] International Criminal Apprehension Accord

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TNP Nation

International Criminal Apprehension Accord
Category: International Security | Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Tricorniolis | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly (WA),

RECOGNISING that besides crimes against humanity, heinous crimes and breaches of international law, globally condemned transgressions like terrorism, cybercrimes, organized crime, child pornography, financial crimes, human trafficking and violations of fundamental rights act to the detriment of member nations and world civil rights;

NOTING this esteemed institution's numerous efforts to internationally condemn and outlaw such offences to protect the interests of it's member nations;

REALISING that implementing such resolutions and efforts by individual members to combat domestic and transnational crimes shall become significantly streamlined and efficient with the presence of a body authorised by the WA to coordinate criminal investigations and apprehensions utilising collective resources and manpower of police organizations of member nations;

DISAPPOINTED that no concrete steps have been taken by this august body before to ensure proper implementation of criminal laws in the international arena;

Hereby enacts the following provisions with respect to prior standing WA legislation

1. The International Criminal Apprehension Bureau (ICAB) shall be established to ensure cooperation and widest mutual assistance possible among law enforcement agencies of member nations with regard to crimes falling under international jurisdiction, keeping within the limits of the laws existing in member nations.

2. No part of this resolution allows the ICAB to intervene in or undertake operations of religious, political, military and/or racial character except for provisions declared in section 9, arrest suspects and fugitives without explicit permission from the involved member nation's apex law enforcement agency, unilaterally extradite a suspect from or violate existing laws of a member nation involved or employ personnel for purposes other than administration, bureaucracy, analysis and security.

3. The ICAB shall be funded by the WA General Accounting Office (GAO) for maintaining it's facilities and conducting investigations, alongside voluntary and in-kind donations made by member nations.

4. All member nations are mandated to communicate only through official ICAB channels, which shall serve as the premier communications network and administrative liaison between national law enforcement agencies of member nations, to facilitate investigations and apprehensions requiring operations beyond domestic borders, ensuring smoothness and efficiency.

5. All member nations are mandated to supply and update any and all information they possess pertaining to known national and international criminals, criminal organizations, ongoing and closed investigation records, cybercrime data, current criminal trends, lists of wanted individuals and a database of stolen articles of international importance, which the ICAB shall use to compile and maintain an International Criminal Profiles and Investigations Archive (ICPIA) working in tandem with the Missing Individuals Archive (MIA). The ICPIA shall be open for utilization by law enforcement agencies of member nations to aid them in conducting operations.

6. The ICAB shall be responsible for providing investigative support, expertise, training, loaning equipment and personnel upon request to law enforcement agencies of member nations for combating transnational and domestic crimes, alongside analysing and providing potential investigation data to them.

7. Member nations are mandated to waive visa requirements and excessive travelling restrictions for official ICAB-authorised personnel on emergency investigation business, to significantly improve response times to crimes committed. The ICAB can also, upon request from local law enforcement and with permission from national law enforcement agency, assist or take over an investigation, act as a coordinator and command local resources to apprehend a suspect.

8. The ICAB can send a Special Task Force to a member nation in case of a terror attack causing mass casualty, assassinations of international and diplomatically protected figures, national/international emergency crisis caused with criminal intent and/or mass breakdown of public order, to offer a range of expertise and access to various law enforcement archives, databases and equipment, along with assistance in victim identification, suspect identification, and relay of relevant investigation reports to member nations' law enforcement agencies if necessary.

9. The ICAB may, under explicit request and cooperation of the Compliance Commission and the International Peacekeeping Force, conduct necessary investigations into crimes against humanity such as genocide, crimes of unjustified aggression and/or war crimes, and may issue a 'Special Circular' to law enforcement agencies of all member nations to supply investigation reports and advise them to enact assets freeze, arms embargo and travel ban on suspected individuals or entities.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal seeks to regulate the policing of crimes deemed to fall under international jurisdiction, such as crimes against humanity, cyber crimes, terrorism and human trafficking, through the establishment of another international regulation bureau. The International Criminal Apprehension Bureau, ICAB, will be granted the power to use international mandates, Special Task Forces and the law enforcement agencies of member nations to pursue criminals accused of these crimes.
The ICAB will also be able to give aid to member nations who request their assistance in policing these crimes.

Although the policing of crimes of such a magnitude as these international crimes, the International Criminal Apprehension Bureau grandly overreaches in it's ability to police crime, and several of the mandates that come with the formation of ICAB prevent the freedom of member nations to communicate with each-other about criminal cases that may only affect them, and the very right of nations to police their own borders, given the mandate that member nations must waive the visa requirements for ICAB members on active duty in emergencies.

Due to gross violations of the very sovereignty of nations to police within their own borders, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote AGAINST the GA proposal at vote, "International Criminal Apprehension Accord"

This IFV Recommendation was written by The Anddoran Commune in collaboration with the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
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I'm against this resolution.

(8) makes it so that WA resources can be spent possibly taking actions like suppressing grassroots resistance to oppressive regimes and all those regimes have to do is declare any form of resistance "terrorism", and would also make it extremely hard for those people to then flee and seek refuge abroad because the regimes they came from could just put their name in the system along with their supposed 'crime'.

Aside from this, it's just broad overreach.
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