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Repeal: "Condemn The Black Hawks"
Category: < Repeal > | Target: SC#52
Proposed by: Westinor, Co-authors: Maowi, Vorhollah | Onsite Topic
The Security Council,
Recognizing the role that Condemnations have played in denouncing and challenging the shameless villains, bloodthirsty warmongers, and purveyors of evil across the multiverse, and that no region has been labeled with such harsh opprobrium as the Black Hawks, who once bore two Condemnations from this council,
Stating that SC#52: “Condemn the Black Hawks” is an affront of a resolution, misleading the multiverse as to the danger and destruction the target is capable of and built on faulty grounds even for its time,
Pointing out that the “Concerned” clause, which highlights the Black Hawks’ invasion of hundreds of regions, potentially overstates the impact and trouble caused by the target by implying that regional bans were used in all of these raids, when in reality, the vast majority of raids were “tag raids”, which leave little lasting impact on a region and certainly not to the extent of instituting regional bans,
Elaborating further that this single clause is, flabbergastingly, the extent of any evidence of wrongdoing provided in the resolution, and that even if the resolution did not intend to overstate the Black Hawks’ efforts, the stated examination of threat is vague, lacking literally any evidence, and fails to elucidate the point to a level not even seen in the earliest of Condemnations, such as SC#38: “Condemn Unknown”, which details a particular instance of infamy by the target, or even SC#1: “Condemn Macedon”, which at minimum names victims of the target,
Taking issue with the “Recognizing” clause, which references the attempted passage of a self-commendation for the region as a condemnable action – such actions have been taken by any given number of regions, most usually diminutive bad actors hardly worthy of any action or recognition by this council, and the clause completely falsifies the nature and actual occurrence, making a relatively innocuous public attempt to self-commend a region out to be a sinister machination,
Noting further that the practice of self-Commendation was far easier to bring about in the early ages of this Council when clear regional policy and institutional frameworks were ill-equipped to bar such self-commends or proposals of dubious quality or content from succeeding, such as SC#22: “Condemn Ninja Pirate awesome town”, SC#42: “Condemn Kalasparata”, and SC#43: “Commend Tiago Silva”, making any malice inherent to the actual attempt and its successive failure to reach quorum even more derisory,
Making it clear that the latter half of the resolution is self-defeating; that any “cooling effect on free speech and the democratic process”, a claim that had no evidence to support it at the time, clearly has failed in any effect, given the clear inability on the Black Hawks’ part to deliver on the threat that half the resolution hinges on, which is reflected in the Security Council’s active drafting and passage of proposals, as well as its continued Condemnation of raiders, both immediately and since the resolution’s passage,
Driving home further that while noble in intent, the argument surrounding free speech and the democratic process is clear fluff even in the context of its time, demonstrating how this resolution acts as little more than filler and a shame on the Council's precedents for Condemnation, where its contemporaries like the repealed SC#74 “Condemn Lone Wolves United”, despite their many flaws, at least name the targets and most afflicted of the Condemned, and illustrate in some manner the destruction and havoc the Condemned has inflicted on the world, as opposed to vague statements based in falsehood and unfulfilled ideological posturing,
Asserting that the target resolution is factually inaccurate, poorly-written fluff even among its contemporaries, and heavily reliant on disproven fear mongering, and hoping that villainy and iniquity across the world should still go punished, but whilst still retaining the tenets of veracity, upholding principles of quality, and delivering in full force swift retribution on the enemies of peace,
Hereby repeals: SC#52 “Condemn the Black Hawks”.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
6 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
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