Results: Reopened September 2024 Delegate Election

Results: Reopened September 2024 Delegate Election

The Election Commission has counted the votes in this general election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.
Summary: @Picairn is elected as Delegate of The North Pacific.​

TNP Reopened September 2024 Delegate Election ~ Official Vote Count                                                
This document reflects the official tally of all public and private votes cast in the General Election by legal voters.

Delegate (Round 1)        | Valid Ballots: 93
Candidate             Vote Count     Percentage     Elected?

Picairn                 43             47.25%        No
Blue Wolf II            3              3.30%         No
Dreadton                3              3.30%         No
Pallaith                42             46.15%        No

Abstain                 2
Delegate (Round 2)        | Valid Ballots: 93
Candidate             Vote Count     Percentage     Elected?

Picairn                  47             51.65%          Yes
Pallaith                 44             48.35%          No

Abstain                  2
Bro Bruh's (post 70) was discarded due to a court restriction.
Mixton6's (post 84) was discarded due to loss of citizenship.

A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commissioners: @Lord Dominator and @Chipoli
It’s been a long time since we’ve had an election that intense and that close, but to me it felt completely different from the last formerly closest race in TNP history. I think it was a positive thing for our community and I’ve really enjoyed hearing from the voters who have given feedback. The energy was always positive and I’m proud that we didn’t have bad feelings and negative campaigning weighing everything else down. I’ve never been so challenged, and credit where credit is due, never so outdone as happened in this race. It was a rollercoaster to be one of the people in the middle of it, both fun and terrifying, and I went through a lot along the way. But I can honestly say I am happy where we ended up, and I just have a good feeling about where we’re about to go.

Congratulations to my new delegate Picairn, the only person who can say he has defeated me in an election, a new legend of TNP. Well fought and well deserved. Lead the way.