[SC—At Vote—For] Liberate Kelios

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Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation

Liberate Kelios
Category: < Liberation > | Target: Kelios
Proposed by: New Makasta | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing the noble virtues of free expression and republicanism that the inhabitants of Kelios hold firm and dear to their hearts, values shared with that of this council,

Understanding the fear that a community can face when struck by forces seeking to tear down the bonds of community and goodwill that this body seeks to protect,

Seeing how once again this fear has been forced upon a innocent region whose inhabitants sought to create a long lasting legacy of democracy and republican values,

Saddened by the timing of this attack being a clear and direct attack on Kelios’ democracy which was soon holding a new election for roles within the government,

Seeking to preemptively break down the walls that invading forces will inevitably attempt to construct around Kelios, giving a chance for the shining pillars of its democracy to go on into the next day,

Believing it is the duty of this august body to hamper any attempts at destruction of a community of this nature,

Hereby Liberates Kelios
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal seeks to Liberate Kelios, which has been invaded by a combination of Sparkalia, Lone Wolves United, The Brotherhood of Malice, Kantrias, Palmetto, Osiris, Lair of the Dragon and Ijaka.

This Liberation is needed to help the natives of Kelios in regaining control over their region, and to possibly save it from being destroyed by the occupants, which also consists of multiple sanctioned regions.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote FOR the SC proposal at vote, "Liberate Kelios"
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TNP last resolution: the resolution is sub-par and says nothing about TBH

TNP this resolution: yes let's blindly follow the most generic trash resolution ever to hit the SC because we need libjuncts to even have a hope of winning on the battlefield

This region should stop pretending to care about the standard of resolution getting passed in the SC, because it's clear that we don't.
TNP last resolution: the resolution is sub-par and says nothing about TBH

TNP this resolution: yes let's blindly follow the most generic trash resolution ever to hit the SC because we need libjuncts to even have a hope of winning on the battlefield

This region should stop pretending to care about the standard of resolution getting passed in the SC, because it's clear that we don't.
One would expect there to be a different standard for badges than functional mechanical resolutions, I would think. People agonizing over how creative or unique libjunction proposals done to respond to a raid are missing the point I feel. Though I would also posit that most people don't care for the quality of WA resolutions of any type anymore, and that the effort we put into advocating for better quality is at least more meaningful and substantive than what our neighbors put out (read: not at all). I am not sure this ever would have been where we waged such a battle though.

The SC is the political chamber and these are the most basic political tool resolutions the SC can produce. I understand what you're trying to do here but I don't think there's an orphaned audience pining for the better days where libjunctions are concerned. And the mechanics here are the most important thing, so quality or not there isn't much we can do if we want to advance it. It's simply unrealistic to have a week of drafting and refining prose on one of these or voting it down and waiting for a new version to follow. That's never been the case and it's hardly going to start being the case now.
One would expect there to be a different standard for badges than functional mechanical resolutions, I would think. People agonizing over how creative or unique libjunction proposals done to respond to a raid are missing the point I feel. Though I would also posit that most people don't care for the quality of WA resolutions of any type anymore, and that the effort we put into advocating for better quality is at least more meaningful and substantive than what our neighbors put out (read: not at all). I am not sure this ever would have been where we waged such a battle though.

The SC is the political chamber and these are the most basic political tool resolutions the SC can produce. I understand what you're trying to do here but I don't think there's an orphaned audience pining for the better days where libjunctions are concerned. And the mechanics here are the most important thing, so quality or not there isn't much we can do if we want to advance it. It's simply unrealistic to have a week of drafting and refining prose on one of these or voting it down and waiting for a new version to follow. That's never been the case and it's hardly going to start being the case now.
"Bad resolutions are good when they fit our purposes" is a garbage standard to hold ourselves, before even getting into the fact that these resolutions frequently prove entirely unnecessary and are quickly repealed. It's just badge hunting, except now it's just badge hunting with the most generic crap possible, to the extent that you could ask AI to come up with a more relevant to the actual it's proposing to liberate/injunct resolution and produce something of higher quality. Defenders, it seems, can't actually liberate regions any more, so their first, last and only strategy is to jump to this and it's a shame we follow them unthinkingly in doing so.
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