New Legislation Notifications

Mr. Delegate,

The Surgeon General Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Section 8.2 shall be amended as follows and following sections shall be renumber as needed:
5. During an outbreak, the delegate is authorized to act in any reasonable manner to pursue the adopted plan. This includes, but is not limited to, ejecting or banning nations from the region who have entered the region during the crisis, imposing restrictions on national movement into the region, and granting Border Control to other government officials for the duration of the event.
6. No more than 30 days before the historical start of the event, the Delegate may appoint a Citizen to assist in the regional response to an infectious disease outbreak. The appointee is exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment. The appointee's term shall end at the conclusion of the event.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr. Delegate,

The Surgeon General Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.

Mr. Speaker,

While this bill has some specific provisions that I deem to be unnecessary, and not suited for the style of language I would prefer for our legal code, I support the aims and agree that our emergency protocol should explicitly account for the kinds of responses we have repeatedly used in the past. The most important aspect of this law is making it easier for government officials to be granted the temporary role of Surgeon General. This will make it easier for the government to respond to these emergencies, and while not strictly necessary, a provision limiting the time frame in which to make these appointments should not interfere with the government's response, as they would have no reason I can think of to make such an appointment earlier than a month before the emergency. We are in the midst of making preparations for this emergency as we speak, so this bill is quite timely and I see no reason to delay its implementation further.

The bill is signed.


Pallaith, Delegate of The North Pacific
Mr. Delegate,

The Executive Absence Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Executive Absence Act:
Chapter 7 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 7.1: Definitions:
4. The Serving Delegate is the person holding the constitutionally-mandated elected office of the Delegate or, in the case of a vacancy or absence in that office, the person that has assumed the duties of that office.
Section 7.8: Absence:
48. If the Delegate is temporarily unavailable, they may declare themselves absent.
49. In the event the Delegate ceases communication with the region or is otherwise not responsive for 7 days, the Executive Officers and the Vice Delegate may declare the Delegate absent by majority vote.
50. During an absence, the Delegate will continue to serve as the WA Delegate.
51. The absence will cease when the Delegate declares their return and resumes their duties.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr. Delegate,

The Executive Absence Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.

Mr. Speaker,

Obviously I am happy to sign this bill into law, as I am its author. I do not believe there is much that needs to be said. We live in unpredictable times. We have seen what happens when our officials go absent and we must wait out the clock for them. This allows us to respond to sudden or temporary absences in the Delegate's office without relying on compromised or distracted execution of the office. I am glad that we have created this mechanism for an office where it is very important.

The bill is signed.


Pallaith, Delegate of The North Pacific
Mr. Delegate,

The Military Modernization Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Military Modernization Act:
1. Section 7.6 of the Legal Code will be amended as follows:

Section 7.6: The North Pacific Army:
37. The North Pacific Army is the military of The North Pacific. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavour to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
38. When deployed in a foreign region, The North Pacific Army will act with respect towards the natives of the region.
39. The Regional Assembly may declassify an operation by a majority vote.
40. The following are Class A restricted actions:
  • changing a region's World Factbook Entry without providing the region with the original content of the World Factbook Entry or a straightforward way to access that content;
  • closing embassies;
  • altering a region's pinned dispatch list;
  • suppressing posts on a Regional Message Board;
  • closing or opening a regional poll;
41. The following are Class B restricted actions:
  • applying a password to a region;
  • banning or ejecting nations native to a region;
42. Members of The North Pacific Army holding a Regional Officer position in a foreign region as part of an operation in that region may not use that position to perform restricted actions, except where necessary to restore a region to a prior native-controlled state.
43. Members of The North Pacific Army may participate in joint operations with other militaries that do not abide by these restrictions, and may serve as Regional Officers in foreign regions during such joint operations, but may not perform any restricted actions themselves in the joint operation, except where necessary to restore a region to a prior native-controlled state.
44. The Delegate or Executive officer in charge of the military may specifically or categorically exempt regions from some or all Class A restricted actions. The Regional Assembly must be informed as soon as these exemptions are made. Class B exemptions must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
45. Regions with which The North Pacific is at war are exempt from all restricted actions for the duration of the war. Natives of a region that request that The North Pacific Army perform restricted actions on them, whether independently or as part of a broader agreement, are exempt from those restricted actions.
46. The Regional Assembly may require The North Pacific Army to withdraw from any operation, and impose other requirements to reverse restricted actions it performed on that region during that operation, by majority vote.
47. Nations wishing to join The North Pacific Army must swear the following oath before being enlisted. All military rules that they are pledging to obey must be publicly visible.
By my honor and by my conscience, I will endeavor to honestly and faithfully serve The North Pacific. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavor to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavor to represent The North Pacific with honor and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
2. Any regions exempted from clause 7.6.39 of the Legal Code prior to the passing of this Act will be considered exempt from all Class A restricted actions.

3. Any regions exempted from clause 7.6.40 of the Legal Code prior to the passing of this Act will be considered exempt from all Class B restricted actions.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr. Delegate,

The Military Modernization Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.

Mr. Speaker,

We all know that much work still needs to be done to better prepare our military for the times in which we live, and to position TNP as best we can to participate in and respond to events without tying our hands too tightly. We have long believed that we responded to the Court's decision preventing the NPA from participating in joint operations on the grounds that the other region(s) did not adhere to our own restrictions. I believe the language we have in this bill clearly settles that question, and allows us to participate without reservation. This bill goes much further, however, and creates a simpler, cleaner system for exemptions to restricted actions, which now neatly fall into clear lists and categories. I want to give thanks to @9003 for his efforts on this, which took quite a bit of time to get to the end. I know there are some who felt this bill did too much, even after it was adjusted, and that it could still read better. Still others may not believe the question of participation in joint operations where our restrictions are not followed by the other militaries is worthy of longer and more robust debate, and they are welcome to have that debate. In terms of what this bill accomplishes, it restores a status quo we had prior to the Court ruling, while vastly improving the restriction and exemptions on what the NPA can do. These are very important changes, and I am happy to advance them forward now.

The bill is signed.


Pallaith, Delegate of The North Pacific
Mr. Delegate,

The Treaty Translation Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Treaty Translation Act:
Chapter 1 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 1.1: Treason:
3. No player maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities.
Chapter 7 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 7.7: Diplomacy:
45. The Delegate may choose to designate a region or organization to be prohibited from creating in-game embassies and forum embassies, hosting cultural events together or other formal collaborations with The North Pacific with a majority of the Regional Assembly confirming such.
46. These prohibitions may be repealed with a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
47. Regions exempted by the Regional Assembly from the restrictions on the North Pacific Army will automatically have the diplomatic restrictions imposed on them.
48. The Delegate may establish agreements with other regions that are not treaties.
49. "Treaty" is defined as a formal agreement made between The North Pacific and one or more regions which binds all signatories to the terms in that agreement until it is formally revoked consistent with those terms; which is presented to and approved by all signatories' governments consistent with their own law's procedure for treaties; and which is mutually understood to be inseverable through any action but the aforementioned terms and regional laws.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr. Delegate,

The Treaty Translation Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.

Mr. Speaker,

As the author of the bill in question, I clearly believe wholeheartedly in seeing it become law. Our Court rendered a verdict that potentially opens up a can of worms and I am happy to do my part to close that can now. The Legal Code now has an official definition for treaties that should nip in the bud any mistaken nations on the Court's part as to what constitutes a treaty, and we can be assured the Delegate can make agreements with other regions that are not treaties themselves without fearing the Court will conclude as it did in this decision that such agreements are in fact treaties. I also happen to believe that is better for the RA to handle defining such terms rather than rely on the Court legislating from the bench. I am satisfied that the language we ended up with here will maintain the status quo as we knew it prior to the Court's latest action, and will happily put this bill into effect.

The bill is signed.


Pallaith, Delegate of The North Pacific
Mr. Delegate,

The Loss of On-Site Access Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Loss of On-Site Access Act:
The following is added to Chapter 8 of the Legal Code:
Section 8.5: On-Site Access
18. Loss of access to the NationStates site, or issues with essential mechanisms relating to nations, regions or the World Assembly which make it functionally unusable, is an actual emergency and does not require a declaration by the Regional Assembly.
19. During such an emergency, government business requiring the use of the NationStates site shall be suspended.
20. Suspended time-sensitive government business shall not count time during the emergency.
21. Such an emergency will end when access to the NationStates site is restored and the site is functional.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr. Delegate,

The Loss of On-Site Access Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr. Speaker,

I commend the Regional Assembly for arriving at such a swift determination that a legislative solution to an age-old problem, exploding server hamsters, was necessary. Going forward, hopefully we will not be so naive either about the capabilities of the technology that allow us to enjoy this game or about the very real necessity of contingency planning. I know the people have done their part. As I myself, and the vast majority of my fellow citizens, agreed to pass this legislation, I also find a duty to ensure that the people's will is carried out. The bill is signed.


Delegate of the North Pacific
Mr. Delegate,

The Military Modernization Cleanup Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Military Modernization Cleanup Act:
Section 7.6 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 7.6: The North Pacific Army:
37. The North Pacific Army is the military of The North Pacific. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavour to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
38. When deployed in a foreign region, The North Pacific Army will act with respect towards the natives of the region.
39. The Regional Assembly must be informed of all operations undertaken by The North Pacific Army as soon as practicable, unless they are classified by the Delegate or the Executive Officer in charge of the military.
40. The Regional Assembly may declassify an operation by a majority vote.
41. The following are Class A restricted actions:
  • changing a region's World Factbook Entry without providing the region with the original content of the World Factbook Entry or a straightforward way to access that content;
  • closing embassies;
  • altering a region's pinned dispatch list;
  • suppressing posts on a Regional Message Board;
  • closing or opening a regional poll;
42. The following are Class B restricted actions:
  • applying a password to a region;
  • banning or ejecting nations native to a region;
43. Members of The North Pacific Army holding a Regional Officer position in a foreign region as part of an operation in that region may not use that position to perform restricted actions, except where necessary to restore a region to a prior native-controlled state.
44. Members of The North Pacific Army may participate in joint operations with other militaries that perform restricted actions, and may serve as Regional Officers in foreign regions during such joint operations, but may not perform any restricted actions themselves in the joint operation, except where necessary to restore a region to a prior native-controlled state.
45. The Delegate may specifically or categorically exempt regions from some or all restricted actions. The Regional Assembly must be informed as soon as these exemptions are made. Exemptions to Class B restricted actions must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
46. Regions with which The North Pacific is at war are exempt from all restricted actions for the duration of the war. Natives of a region that request that The North Pacific Army perform restricted actions on them, whether independently or as part of a broader agreement, are exempt from those restricted actions.
47. The Regional Assembly may require The North Pacific Army to withdraw from any operation, and impose other requirements to reverse restricted actions it performed on that region during that operation, by majority vote.
48. Nations wishing to join The North Pacific Army must swear the following oath before being enlisted. All military rules that they are pledging to obey must be publicly visible.
By my honor and by my conscience, I will endeavor to honestly and faithfully serve The North Pacific. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavor to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavor to represent The North Pacific with honor and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker,

My thoughts on this bill were known when the Right Honorable Vice Delegate posted the original draft of this legislation. I believe it is more than fit for purpose and will ensure that the NPA continues to have a world-class legislative backbone in addition to what will hopefully become its renewed battlefield prowess. The bill is signed.

Delegate of the North Pacific
Mr. Delegate,

The Self-Checkout Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.
Self-Checkout Act:
1. Chapter 6 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 6.1 Citizenship Applications:
2. Any resident may apply for citizenship using their regional forum account, by providing the name of their nation in The North Pacific, and swearing an oath as follows:

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.

3. A copy of the laws applicants are pledging to obey must be available to them at all times.
4. An application for citizenship ceases to be valid if at any time the applicant's declared nation in The North Pacific is not located in The North Pacific.
5. Forum administration will have 7 days to evaluate the citizenship applicant and verify that they are not using a proxy or evading a judicially-imposed penalty. The Vice Delegate will have 7 days to perform a security evaluation and pass or fail the applicant. The Vice Delegate must consult the Security Council if there is reasonable concern as to whether an applicant should be admitted.
6. The Vice Delegate will automatically fail any applicant who identifies as fascist or has engaged in the promotion of fascism.
7. The Vice Delegate will re-evaluate any applicant who failed an evaluation by forum administration if the applicant already passed an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, and the applicant's resident nation is in the World Assembly.
8. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, or are confirmed by forum administration to be using more than one forum account or using a proxy.
9. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by forum administration and would not be subject to re-evaluation by the Vice Delegate.
10. If an applicant is rejected for failing an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, the Regional Assembly shall immediately debate the rejection and will hold a majority vote on whether to uphold it. The vote must begin two days after the rejection occurs.
11. The Regional Assembly may overturn a previous decision to uphold the rejection of an applicant by majority vote.
12. The Speaker will accept all other applicants with valid applications.
13. The Speaker will process applications within 7 days. If an applicant has not been approved or rejected within that time, they will be automatically granted citizenship.
Section 6.2: Administration and Loss of Citizenship:
14. The Speaker will maintain a publicly viewable roster of citizens and their registered nations.
15. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose removal is ordered by the Court, whose registered nations in The North Pacific leave or cease to exist, or whose citizenship is voluntarily renounced by notifying the Speaker.
16. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who, for over 30 consecutive days, neither post on the regional forum, nor post on the regional message board of The North Pacific with their registered nations.
17. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose registered nations in The North Pacific are not in the World Assembly, except as part of an operation with the North Pacific Army, if their citizenship was granted after failing an evaluation by forum administration. This requirement will not apply if the citizens request and then pass another evaluation by forum administration.
18. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens to whom they granted citizenship in error, if the error is discovered within 7 days of granting their citizenship.
19. The Speaker may request an evaluation by forum administration on any existing citizen at any time, and forum administration may evaluate any existing citizen at any time and inform the Speaker of its findings.
20. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are confirmed to be using a second forum account or evading a judicially-imposed penalty.
21. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are banned by forum administration.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
I am glad that the Regional Assembly has continued to take up the challenge to refine our citizenship laws to find an ever more perfect blend of security and openness. While I know that this perhaps wasn't the version we all wanted in the end, I am nonetheless grateful to the RA for its continued willingness to play ball on this issue.

The bill is signed.
Mr. Delegate,

The Frontier Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.

The Bill:
Frontier Act:
1. The Bill of Rights is amended as follows:

“The Bill of Rights for all Nations of The North Pacific”:
1. All Nations of The North Pacific and its territories are sovereign. Each Nation has the right of self-determination in that Nation's domestic policies, including, but not limited to, issue selection and WA membership.
2. Each Nation's rights to free speech, free press, and the free expression of religion shall not be infringed, and shall be encouraged, by the governmental authorities of the region and its territories. Each Nation has the right to assemble, and to petition the governmental authorities of the region and its territories, including the WA Delegate, for the redress of grievances. The governmental authorities of the region and its territories shall act only in the best interests of the Region and its territories, as permitted and limited under the Constitution.
3. Participation in the governmental authorities of the region and its territories is voluntary. Participation in the World Assembly shall not be a condition of participation in the governmental authorities of the region and its territories.
4. No Nation of The North Pacific and its territories holding WA member status in NationStates shall be obligated to endorse any official of a government authority of the region and its territories. The right to add an endorsement or withdraw an endorsement is a sovereign right of that Nation as a WA member.
5. All Nations of The North Pacific and its territories have the right to be protected against the abuse of powers by any official of a government authority of the region and its territories. Any Nation of The North Pacific and its territories has the right to request the recall of any official of a government authority of the region and its territories in accordance with the Constitution, that is deemed to have participated in such acts.
6. No Nation shall be held to answer for a crime in a manner not prescribed by the Constitution or the Legal Code. No Nation shall be subjected to being twice put in jeopardy for the same offense. No Nation shall ever be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against itself.
7. When charged with criminal acts, Nations of The North Pacific and its territories shall have a fair, impartial, and public trial before a neutral and impartial judicial officer. In any criminal proceeding, a Nation is presumed innocent unless guilt is proven to the fact finder by reasonably certain evidence. A Nation may be represented by any counsel of the Nation's choosing. No Nation convicted of a crime shall be subject to a punishment disproportionate to that crime.
8. The regional power of ejection and banning may not be granted or exercised, nor forum bans imposed, unless expressly authorized pursuant to the Constitution or the Legal Code. Any ejected or banned nation is entitled to prompt judicial review of the matter.
9. Each Nation in The North Pacific and its territories is guaranteed the organization and operation of the governmental authorities of the region and its territories on fundamental principles of democracy, accountability, and transparency. No action by the governmental authorities of the region and its territories shall deny to any Nation of The North Pacific and its territories, due process of law, including prior notice and the opportunity to be heard, nor deny to any Nation of The North Pacific and its territories the equal and fair treatment and protection of the provisions of the Constitution. No governmental authority shall have power to adopt or impose an ex post facto law or a bill of attainder as to any act for purposes of criminal proceedings.
10. Each Nation entitled to a vote in any manner under the fundamental laws of the region and its territories is entitled to the equal treatment and protection of that Nation's right to vote.
11. No governmental authority of the region and its territories has the power to suspend or disregard the Constitution or the Legal Code. In the event of an actual emergency, the governmental authorities of the region and its territories, with the express consent of the Nations of the region and its territories or their representatives, is authorized to act in any reasonable manner that is consistent as practicable with the pertinent provisions of the Constitution.
2. Article 2 of the Constitution is amended as follows:

Article 2. The Regional Assembly:
1. Resident means any person with a nation in the region of The North Pacific or one of its territories.
2. A territory is any region that is recognized by the Regional Assembly as a part of The North Pacific.
3. The Regional Assembly will consist of all citizens.
4. Requirements for citizenship will be determined by law.
5. The Regional Assembly may enact, amend or repeal laws by a majority vote.
6. The Regional Assembly may remove a government official from office by a two-thirds majority vote.
7. The number of votes required to achieve quorum for any vote of the Regional Assembly except elections will be determined by law.
8. The Regional Assembly will elect a Speaker every four months.
9. The Speaker will administer the rules of the Regional Assembly. Where no rules exist, the Speaker may use their discretion.
10. Abstentions cast in the Regional Assembly will not be used to determine the result of any vote, but may be used for quorum and all other purposes.
11. The Speaker may appoint deputies to assist them in the execution of any of their powers and duties. Appointment of deputies may be regulated by law and the rules of the Regional Assembly.
Article 3 of the Constitution is amended as follows:

Article 3. The Delegate and Vice Delegate:
1. The Delegate will be the head of state and government of The North Pacific and its territories and hold the in-game position of delegate in The North Pacific.
2. The Delegate may eject and ban nations from the region as permitted by law, and will eject or ban nations from the region when required by law.
3. The Delegate may negotiate treaties with foreign powers or propose the repeal of existing treaties. No treaty will come into effect or be repealed unless approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
4. The Delegate may propose a declaration of war on foreign powers to the Regional Assembly. If it is approved by a two-thirds majority vote, a state of war will exist until it is repealed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
5. When a proposal of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal a law is passed, the Speaker shall promptly present it to the Delegate, and it shall take effect immediately upon their signature.
6. The Delegate may veto a proposal of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal a law within one week of its passage.
7. The Regional Assembly may override such a veto by a two-thirds majority vote, which shall cause a proposal to take immediate effect.
8. If a proposal of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal a law has not been signed or vetoed by the Delegate, it shall take effect seven days after being passed.
9. The Delegate may appoint executive officers to assist them and may dismiss these officers freely. Executive officers may be regulated by law.
10. The Vice Delegate will chair the Security Council and enforce the continued eligibility of its members as determined by law.
11. The Vice Delegate will hold the second most endorsements in the region. The Delegate may eject or ban any nation which exceeds any legally mandated endorsement limit.
12. In the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate, the first available person in the line of succession will assume the duties of the vacated position. If a member of the line of succession assumes the duties of either position while serving in, or having assumed the duties of, any other constitutionally-mandated elected office, they will be considered absent from that office.
13. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly every four months. No person shall be elected Delegate to a full or partial term in three consecutive election cycles.
14. Frontier Delegates will hold the in-game position of delegate in any territory of The North Pacific. Frontier Vice Delegates will hold the second most endorsements in any territory of The North Pacific. These offices will be regulated, and their means of selection determined, by law.
Article 5. The Security Council:
1. Any person who meets any endorsement and influence requirements determined by law may apply to become a member of the Security Council.
2. Once an application has been submitted, the Security Council may nominate that applicant by a majority vote. The Regional Assembly may confirm a nominated applicant by a majority vote. If the Security Council does not nominate an applicant or does not act on them within thirty days, the Regional Assembly may appoint the applicant by a two-thirds majority vote.
3. Nominations remain in effect until voted on by the Regional Assembly, or until revoked by majority vote of the Security Council.
4. The Security Council will monitor the security of the region and its territories and report on it to the public, and enforce decisions of the Regional Assembly to remove the Delegate.
5. The Regional Assembly may establish a line of succession by a majority vote. The line of succession must always include the Vice Delegate and all current Security Council members, and must always place the Vice Delegate first. If a new member is admitted to the Security Council, they will be automatically added at the end of the current line of succession. If a member is removed from the Security Council, they will be automatically removed from the line of succession.
3. Chapter 5 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Chapter 5: Regional Security Law:
3. In this chapter, the Serving Delegate means the person holding the constitutionally-mandated elected office of Delegate or, in the case of a vacancy in that office, the person who has assumed the duties of that office. Serving Frontier Delegate means a person chosen by the Regional Assembly to hold the office of a Frontier Delegate, or in the case of a vacancy or absence in that office, the person that has assumed the duties of that office. The WA Delegate means the nation holding the WA Delegacy of the region The North Pacific. Frontier WA Delegate means a nation holding the WA Delegacy of a territory of The North Pacific.
Section 5.1: Requirements and Admission:
4. Any person with an account on the regional forum and a nation in The North Pacific may apply to join the Council, as long as their nation satisfies any influence and endorsement requirements for membership. Any applicant who does not meet the appropriate requirements, or who ceases to meet them, is automatically rejected.
5. Security Councilors must meet the same influence and endorsement requirements as applicants to the Council, and may be suspended or removed if they fail to do so.
6. The influence requirement is a Soft Power Disbursement Rating within The North Pacific greater than or equal to 182,500, or an influence rank within The North Pacific greater than or equal to Apprentice, whichever is lower. The endorsement requirement is at least 500, or 50 percent of the Serving Delegate's endorsement count, whichever is lower.
7. By a two-thirds majority vote, the Security Council may exempt nations who have expended their influence in service to the region from any influence requirements to join the Council or to remain a member. Exemptions granted in such a manner remain valid until the exempted nation regains the required influence level.
Section 5.2: The Delegate and Vice Delegate:
8. The Serving Delegate is responsible for maintaining an endorsement count that exceeds that of any other nation in The North Pacific. Serving Frontier Delegates are responsible for maintaining an endorsement count that exceeds that of any other nation in their respective territories of The North Pacific.
9. The Vice Delegate is responsible for maintaining a minimum endorsement count at least that of the WA Delegate's endorsement count, minus one-fifth of the total number of WA nations in the region. Frontier Vice Delegates are responsible for maintaining a minimum endorsement count at least that of the Frontier WA Delegate’s endorsement count, minus one-fifth of the total number of WA nations in their respective territories of The North Pacific.
10. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate, or the Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate, is below this level, they must promptly act to gather sufficient endorsements to meet or exceed the requirement.
11. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate, or the Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate nation ceases to exist, voluntarily departs The North Pacific, or the respective territory to which it is assigned; or resigns from the World Assembly, their office will be considered vacant.
12. If the Vice Delegate is temporarily unavailable, the Council may task one of its members with performing the duties of the Vice Delegate. The Council may hold a confirmation vote, but is not required to do so.
13. During any period when serving as acting Delegate, the Vice Delegate will be considered absent from the office of Vice Delegate. During any period when serving as acting Frontier Delegate, Frontier Vice Delegates will be considered absent from the office of Frontier Vice Delegate.
Section 5.4: Reckless Endorsement Gathering:
22. The Serving Delegate may eject or ban any nation in The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that meets all of the following criteria:

  • It is not in the Council or holding the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate.
  • It has been reported to the Delegate as a possible threat to regional security by the Council.
  • It has continued actively gathering endorsements after two warnings against gathering endorsements sent at least two days apart from each other.
  • It has more endorsements than 50 fewer than the Vice Delegate's required minimum endorsement count, or 75 per cent of the Delegate's endorsement level, whichever is least.
23. The Serving Delegate may eject or ban any nation in The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that exceeds the Vice Delegate's required minimum endorsement count.
24. Nations banned for reckless endorsement gathering must remain banned at least until they update outside The North Pacific.
25. Unless a delegacy emergency is in effect, any Council member who exceeds the Vice Delegate's endorsement count while the Vice Delegate is above the required minimum for their position must stop seeking endorsements until they have fewer than the Vice Delegate.

26. Serving Frontier Delegates may eject or ban any nation in their respective territories of The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that meets all of the following criteria:

  • It is not holding the office of Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate.
  • It has been reported to the Frontier Delegate as a possible threat to regional security by the Council.
  • It has continued actively gathering endorsements after two warnings against gathering endorsements.
  • It has more endorsements than 50 fewer than the Frontier Vice Delegate's required minimum endorsement count, or 75 per cent of the Frontier Delegate's endorsement level, whichever is least.
27. Serving Frontier Delegates may eject or ban any nation in their respective territories of The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that exceeds the Frontier Vice Delegate’s required minimum endorsement count.
28. Nations banned for reckless endorsement gathering must remain banned at least until they update outside the territory of The North Pacific.
Chapter 6 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 6.1 Citizenship Applications:
2. Any resident may apply for citizenship using their regional forum account, by providing the name of their nation in The North Pacific or one of its territories, and swearing an oath as follows:

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
3. A copy of the laws applicants are pledging to obey must be available to them at all times.
4. An application for citizenship ceases to be valid if at any time the applicant's declared nation in The North Pacific or one of its territories is not located in The North Pacific or one of its territories.
5. Forum administration will have 7 days to evaluate the citizenship applicant and verify that they are not using a proxy or evading a judicially-imposed penalty. The Vice Delegate will have 7 days to perform a security evaluation and pass or fail the applicant. The Vice Delegate must consult the Security Council if there is reasonable concern as to whether an applicant should be admitted.
6. The Vice Delegate will automatically fail any applicant who identifies as fascist or has engaged in the promotion of fascism.
7. The Vice Delegate will re-evaluate any applicant who failed an evaluation by forum administration if the applicant already passed an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, and the applicant's resident nation is in the World Assembly.
8. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, or are confirmed by forum administration to be using more than one forum account or using a proxy.
9. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by forum administration and would not be subject to re-evaluation by the Vice Delegate.
10. If an applicant is rejected for failing an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, the Regional Assembly shall immediately debate the rejection and will hold a majority vote on whether to uphold it. The vote must begin two days after the rejection occurs.
11. The Regional Assembly may overturn a previous decision to uphold the rejection of an applicant by majority vote.
12. The Speaker will accept all other applicants with valid applications.
13. The Speaker will process applications within 7 days. If an applicant has not been approved or rejected within that time, they will be automatically granted citizenship.
Section 6.2: Administration and Loss of Citizenship:
14. The Speaker will maintain a publicly viewable roster of citizens and their registered nations.
15. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose removal is ordered by the Court, whose registered nations in The North Pacific or one of its territories leave or cease to exist, or whose citizenship is voluntarily renounced by notifying the Speaker.
16. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who, for over 30 consecutive days, neither post on the regional forum, nor post on the regional message board of The North Pacific or one of its territories with their registered nations.
17. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose registered nations in The North Pacific or one of its territories are not in the World Assembly, except as part of an operation with the North Pacific Army, if their citizenship was granted after failing an evaluation by forum administration. This requirement will not apply if the citizens request and then pass another evaluation by forum administration.
18. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens to whom they granted citizenship in error, if the error is discovered within 7 days of granting their citizenship.
19. The Speaker may request an evaluation by forum administration on any existing citizen at any time, and forum administration may evaluate any existing citizen at any time and inform the Speaker of its findings.
20. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are confirmed to be using a second forum account or evading a judicially-imposed penalty.
21. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are banned by forum administration.
Chapter 7 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 7.1: Definitions:
2. Executive Officers are government officials appointed by the Delegate to assist in the execution of their duties.
3. Advisors to the Delegate are government officials appointed by the Delegate who serve only to advise the Delegate, and are exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment.
4. The Serving Delegate is the person holding the constitutionally-mandated elected office of the Delegate or, in the case of a vacancy or absence in that office, the person that has assumed the duties of that office.
5. The WA Delegate is the nation holding the WA Delegacy of the region The North Pacific.
6. A Serving Frontier Delegate is a person legally chosen to hold the office of a Frontier Delegate, or in the case of a vacancy or absence in that office, a person that has assumed the duties of that office. A Frontier WA Delegate is a nation holding the WA Delegacy of a territory of The North Pacific.
Section 7.2: Regional Officers:
7. Regional Officers may only be appointed and granted powers as explicitly allowed under this section.
8. The Serving Delegate may assign any Regional Power, with the exception of Border Control, to any government official or nation created for the purpose of performing government functions.
9. The Serving Delegate may assign Border Control powers to any of the three members of the Security Council earliest in the Order of Succession.
10. In the event of a Delegate Emergency, or with the permission of a majority vote of the Regional Assembly, the Serving Delegate may assign Border Control powers to any member of the Security Council.
11. The WA Delegate will promptly grant all Regional Powers to the Serving Delegate and assign additional powers to other government officials or regional nations as instructed.
12. A Serving Frontier Delegate may assign any Regional Power, with the exception of Border Control, in territories of The North Pacific to any government official or nation created for the purpose of performing government functions.
13. A Serving Frontier Delegate may assign Border Control powers in territories of The North Pacific to any three Executive Officers as instructed by the Serving Delegate.
14. In the event of a Delegate Emergency, or with the permission of a majority vote of the Regional Assembly, a Serving Frontier Delegate may assign Border Control powers in territories of The North Pacific to any executive government official at their discretion.
15. A Frontier WA Delegate will promptly grant all Regional Powers in territories of The North Pacific to a Serving Frontier Delegate and assign additional powers to other government officials or nations created for the purpose of performing government functions.
Section 7.3: Onsite Authority:
16. Violators of NationStates rules, or residents banned offsite by forum administration, may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
17. Residents banned on the basis of forum bans imposed by forum administration may not be banned for longer than the length of the ban imposed by forum administration.
18. Nations recruiting for other regions may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
19. Nations for which the Court has issued an indictment permitting it may be ejected or banned.
20. Nations that have been so sentenced by the Court will be ejected or banned.
21. The official performing an ejection or ban will promptly inform the region and Government.
22. The Serving Delegate may regulate the Regional Message Board as they see fit.
23. Such regulations may not prohibit speech which is in the context of TNP politics.
24. Serving Frontier Delegates may regulate the Regional Message Board in territories of The North Pacific as they see fit, but the Serving Delegate may direct or overrule such regulation as they see fit.
25. Nations that have been banned for any of the above reasons may be subject to summary ejection or banning from any territories of The North Pacific.
26. All actions of the WA Delegate, the Serving Delegate, Frontier WA Delegate, Serving Frontier Delegate, or of their appointed Regional Officers related to this section will be subject to judicial review.
Section 7.6: The North Pacific Army:
37. The North Pacific Army is the military of The North Pacific. The Executive Officer charged with military affairs will endeavor to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
Section 7.9: Territory Administration:
57. The Delegate may propose the establishment of a new territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
58. Any other citizen may propose the establishment of a new territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
59. No territory will be established from an existing region without the consent of that region's community and formal approval of its legal government.
60. A territory may define for itself, in the form of a charter presented to the Regional Assembly, the proper assignment and use of its Regional Powers, with the exception of Border Control; the regulation of its Regional Message Board; residential voting policy; and the selection of its Frontier Delegate, Frontier Vice Delegate and Regional Officers; but may not contradict the Constitution, any Law outside this chapter, or any Law in this section.
61. A territory may propose the establishment, amendment, or abolition of a charter, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of its residents and two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
62. The Delegate may propose the amendment or abolition of a territory charter, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
63. A territory may propose the cessation of its territory status, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of its residents and majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
64. The Delegate may propose the cessation of territory status of a territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
65. Any other citizen may propose the cessation of territory status of a territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by three-quarters majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
66. The Delegate shall appoint a Frontier Delegate for each territory of The North Pacific, subject to confirmation by majority vote of the Regional Assembly. The Vice Delegate shall appoint a Frontier Vice Delegate for each territory of The North Pacific, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
67. Any citizen who is a resident of a territory of The North Pacific may be appointed Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate of that territory. Citizens will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate.
68. In the event a territory charter provides for a method of selecting its Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate, the Delegate and Vice Delegate shall appoint the people who are chosen by the charter's selection process.
69. Frontier Delegates and Frontier Vice Delegates will be appointed following the conclusion of every regular General Election. The Delegate and the Vice Delegate do not have the power to remove a Frontier Delegate or Vice Delegate.
70. In the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Frontier Delegate, the Frontier Vice Delegate will assume the duties of the office. In the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Frontier Vice Delegate, the Vice Delegate may appoint an acting Frontier Vice Delegate until a permanent replacement is confirmed by the Regional Assembly.
71. Frontier Delegates will safeguard their respective territories from invasion or subversion of outside forces, faithfully execute the laws and enforce the regional guidelines of The North Pacific, and lead efforts within their respective territories of The North Pacific to encourage community growth and stability and engagement with The North Pacific and its other territories.
72. Frontier Delegates will cast their vote in the World Assembly in accordance with the Delegate's vote, or as directed by the Delegate.
73. Frontier Vice Delegates will lead efforts within their respective territories of The North Pacific to maintain endorsement levels for the Frontier Delegate and Frontier Vice Delegate, and will regularly report on the security of their territory to the Security Council.
74. At this time, The North Pacific has no territories.
75. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
Chapter 8 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 8.4 WA Delegacy:
14. The resignation, recall, or loss of World Assembly membership of the legal or acting Delegate, or a legal or acting Frontier Delegate; or any capture of the delegacy of The North Pacific or the delegacies of its territories by any nation not the legal or acting Delegate, or a legal or acting Frontier Delegate; shall be considered an actual emergency, and does not require a declaration by the RA.
15. Delegacy emergencies that fall outside the scope of the above clause may be declared by majority vote of the RA only with the recommendation of the legal or acting Vice Delegate, in consultation with the Security Council.
16. During a delegacy emergency, the legal or acting Delegate may authorize any individual in the Line of Succession to hold the delegacy and to take any actions related to that position, including, but not limited to, voting in the World Assembly, moderating the Regional Message Board, and ejecting and banning nations from the region. The legal or acting Delegate may authorize an Executive government official to hold the delegacy of any territory of The North Pacific and to take any actions related to that position, including, but not limited to, moderating the Regional Message Board and ejecting and banning nations from the territory.
17. The in-game Delegate or in-game Frontier Delegate must follow any instructions from the legal or acting Delegate as to the execution of their powers.
4. No portion of this bill will take effect unless/until all portions take effect.
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Mr. Speaker,

As you and many others would be aware, the Frontier Act was one of the landmark legislative proposals of the former Delegate @Hulldom, and it is undoubtedly disappointing for him that his tenure in the office ended before he could see the effort come to fruition. The Regional Assembly has overwhelming endorsed this bill through the vote, and even the former Delegate could no longer be the one to sign it, he can and should be proud of this achievement. With regards to my personal views on the bill, I have previously expressed my reservations towards establishing a Frontier as I believe the number of Frontiers will be too numerous to justify the effort on our part to create and maintain a Frontier/s. However, no one can profess to be able to predict exactly what this upcoming update will bring, and it is not out of the question that circumstances may eventually justify the creation of a Frontier/s. As such, there is no harm in having a legislative framework in place should this need arise in the future. I would like to thank both @Hulldom and @Pallaith for their work on the bill, and all those who have contributed to its discussion in the Regional Assembly, most notably @Comfed.

I hereby sign this bill in its entirety, and I wish the Speaker all the best in making the necessary changes to our published legal documents :)


Acting Delegate
Mr. Delegate,

The Recruitment Interference Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.

Recruitment Interference Act:
The following shall be inserted into the Legal Code following s1.4:
Section 1.5: Interference with Recruitment
15. "Interference with Recruitment" is defined as sending any non-residents unsolicited recruitment advertisement(s) for The North Pacific by:
(a) Using a message substantively different from any authorised by the Delegate;
(b) Posting on regional message boards, or;
(c) Violating NationStates rules.
16. Fraudulently providing the number of advertisements sent, the nature of these advertisements, or the means used to send them also constitutes Interference with Recruitment.
Mr. Speaker,

I have repeatedly emphasised the importance of telegram recruitment as a tool to combat the halving of newly spawned nations for our region as a result of the Frontiers/Strongholds update. As Acting Delegate I have been active in setting up our infrastructure so that we will be able to use all forms of telegram recruitment to maximise our effectiveness. Should I be elected Delegate, I believe this work will be completed near the start of the next term. The risk of any of the actions criminalised under the Recruitment Interference Act is quite low, but they are not zero. Specifically, there have been instances in the past where script usage rules were violated when sending automated API telegrams, and in our ally Europeia there had been past cases of recruiters exploiting a loophole the manual recruitment tool to make it appear as if they had sent more telegrams than they actually had. In light of these past cases, it is important that we deter these actions and prevent them from happening to us, so that our recruitment efforts will be as smooth as possible.

This bill is signed.


Acting Delegate
Mr. Delegate,

The Flexible Territories Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Flexible Territories Act:
Section 7.9 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 7.9: Territory Administration
66. The Delegate may propose the establishment of a new territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
67. Any other citizen may propose the establishment of a new territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
68. An existing region may be established as a territory of The North Pacific through a treaty between that region and The North Pacific.
69. No territory will be established from an existing region without the consent of that region's community and formal approval of its legal government.
70. A territory may define for itself, in the form of a charter presented to the Regional Assembly, the proper assignment and use of its Regional Powers, with the exception of Border Control; the regulation of its Regional Message Board; residential voting policy; and the selection of its Frontier Delegate, Frontier Vice Delegate and Regional Officers; but may not contradict the Constitution or any Law of The North Pacific. Territories established through treaty may be exempted from this clause according to the terms of the treaty.
71. A territory may propose the establishment, amendment, or abolition of a charter, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of its residents and two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
72. The Delegate may propose the amendment or abolition of a territory charter, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
73. A territory may propose the cessation of its territory status, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of its residents and majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
74. The Delegate may propose the cessation of territory status of a territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
75. Any other citizen may propose the cessation of territory status of a territory of The North Pacific, subject to approval by three-quarters majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
76. The Delegate shall appoint a Frontier Delegate for each territory of The North Pacific, subject to confirmation by majority vote of the Regional Assembly. The Vice Delegate shall appoint a Frontier Vice Delegate for each territory of The North Pacific, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
77. Any citizen who is a resident of a territory of The North Pacific may be appointed Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate of that territory. Citizens will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate.
78. In the event a territory charter provides for a method of selecting its Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate, the Delegate and Vice Delegate shall appoint the people who are chosen by the charter's selection process.
79. Frontier Delegates and Frontier Vice Delegates will be appointed following the conclusion of every regular General Election. The Delegate and the Vice Delegate do not have the power to remove a Frontier Delegate or Vice Delegate.
80. In the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Frontier Delegate, the Frontier Vice Delegate will assume the duties of the office. In the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Frontier Vice Delegate, the Vice Delegate may appoint an acting Frontier Vice Delegate until a permanent replacement is confirmed by the Regional Assembly.
81. Frontier Delegates will safeguard their respective territories from invasion or subversion of outside forces, faithfully execute the laws and enforce the regional guidelines of The North Pacific, and lead efforts within their respective territories of The North Pacific to encourage community growth and stability and engagement with The North Pacific and its other territories.
82. Frontier Delegates will cast their vote in the World Assembly in accordance with the Delegate's vote, or as directed by the Delegate.
83. Frontier Vice Delegates will lead efforts within their respective territories of The North Pacific to maintain endorsement levels for the Frontier Delegate and Frontier Vice Delegate, and will regularly report on the security of their territory to the Security Council.
84. At this time, The North Pacific has no territories.
85. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr Speaker,

I wholeheartedly support the introduction of the Flexible Territories Act. It has been a goal of mine, along with our former delegate @Gorundu, to establish a treaty with our partners in The Wellspring, which I will present to the Regional Assembly shortly. During our talks, we agreed that the treaty would grant The Wellspring an option to become a territory if they wish. Additionally, The Wellspring would gain even more benefits than a typical territory, since they have strongly indicated in the past that they want to preserve their own sovereignty and grow a community of their own. This piece of legislation would make this possible with the addition of the brand-new clause 7.9.68 and the changes made to 7.9.70. As the name suggests, this bill is intended to improve flexibility when we run our territories. In this day and age, it is especially important that we grow closer to The Wellspring to protect them from a possible invasion from our enemies.

The bill is signed.

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Mr. Delegate,

The Border Security and Enemy Resident Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Border Security and Enemy Resident Act:
1. Chapter 5 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 5.5 Endorsement Campaigns:
29. The Serving Delegate may eject or ban any nation in The North Pacific for solicitation of nations to unendorse government officials or endorse nations that meets all of the following criteria:

  • It is not in the Council or holding the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate.
  • It has been reported to the Delegate as a possible threat to regional security by the Council.
  • It has continued to actively solicit unendorsement of the Delegate, Vice Delegate, or members of the Council, or refuses to cooperate in reversing its solicitations or assist in recovering endorsements after being warned by the Council; or it has continued to actively solicit endorsement of a nation so that it will have more endorsements than the Delegate, Vice Delegate, or members of the Council, or refuses to cooperate in reversing its solicitations or assist in lowering endorsements after being warned by the Council.
30. Serving Frontier Delegates may eject or ban any nation in their respective territories of The North Pacific for solicitation of nations to unendorse government officials or endorse nations that meets all of the following criteria:

  • It is not in the Council or holding the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate.
  • It has been reported to the Delegate as a possible threat to regional security by the Council.
  • It has continued to actively solicit the unendorsement of the Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate, or refuses to cooperate in reversing its solicitations or assist in recovering endorsements after being warned by the Council; or it has continued to actively solicit endorsement of a nation so that it will have more endorsements than the Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate, or refuses to cooperate in reversing its solicitations or assist in lowering endorsements after being warned by the Council.
Section 5.6: Disclosure of Security Council Information:
31. Disclosure of private Security Council records will be regulated in the same chapter regulating disclosure of executive government records.

2. Chapter 6 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 6.2: Administration and Loss of Citizenship:
19. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are banned for maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with The North Pacific.
20. The Speaker may request an evaluation by forum administration on any existing citizen at any time, and forum administration may evaluate any existing citizen at any time and inform the Speaker of its findings.
21. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are confirmed to be using a second forum account or evading a judicially-imposed penalty.
22. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are banned by forum administration.

3. Chapter 7 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 7.3: Onsite Authority:
16. Violators of NationStates rules, residents banned offsite by forum administration, or residents who maintain a nation in a region or organization at war with The North Pacific, may be subject to summary ejection or banning.

4. Chapter 1 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 1.5: Interference with Recruitment:
15. "Interference with Recruitment" is defined as sending any non-residents unsolicited recruitment advertisement(s) for The North Pacific by:
  • Using a message substantively different from any authorized by the Delegate.
  • Posting on regional message boards.
  • Violating NationStates rules.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr Speaker,

Our laws are no exception to the reality that war necessitates change. The Border Security and Enemy Resident Act creates more efficient ways of dealing with those who wish to undermine our regional security through harmful endorsement campaigns and simplifies the process of ejecting or banning residents who maintain a nation in regions or organizations with which we're at war. These are necessary changes in aiding our wartime efforts, especially when the likelihood of such campaigns, orchestrated by our enemies to sow confusion within our community and destabilize our endorsement levels, is greater and more present than ever before.

The bill is signed.

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Mr Delegate,

The Endorsement Simplification Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Endorsement Simplification Act:
1. Chapter 5 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 5.2: The Delegate and Vice Delegate:
8. The Serving Delegate is responsible for maintaining an endorsement count that exceeds that of any other nation in The North Pacific. Serving Frontier Delegates are responsible for maintaining an endorsement count that exceeds that of any other nation in their respective territories of The North Pacific.
9. The Vice Delegate is responsible for maintaining an endorsement count at least that of 90 per cent of the WA Delegate's endorsement count. Frontier Vice Delegates are responsible for maintaining an endorsement count at least that of 70 per cent of the Frontier WA Delegate’s endorsement count in their respective territories of The North Pacific.
10. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate, or the Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate, is below this level, they must promptly act to gather sufficient endorsements to meet or exceed the requirement.
11. Frontier Vice Delegates are responsible for setting a endorsement cap.
12. If the Delegate or Vice Delegate, or the Frontier Delegate or Frontier Vice Delegate nation ceases to exist, voluntarily departs The North Pacific, or the respective territory to which it is assigned; or resigns from the World Assembly, their office will be considered vacant.
13. If the Vice Delegate is temporarily unavailable, the Council may task one of its members with performing the duties of the Vice Delegate. The Council may hold a confirmation vote, but is not required to do so.
14. During any period when serving as acting Delegate, the Vice Delegate will be considered absent from the office of Vice Delegate. During any period when serving as acting Frontier Delegate, Frontier Vice Delegates will be considered absent from the office of Frontier Vice Delegate.
Section 5.4: Reckless Endorsement Gathering:
22. The Serving Delegate may eject or ban any nation in The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that meets all of the following criteria:

  • It is not in the Council or holding the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate.
  • It has been reported to the Delegate as a possible threat to regional security by the Council.
  • It has continued actively gathering endorsements after two warnings against gathering endorsements sent at least two days apart from each other.
  • It has more endorsements than 80 per cent of the WA Delegate's endorsement level.
23. The Serving Delegate may eject or ban any nation in The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that exceeds 85 per cent of the WA Delegate's endorsement level.
24. Nations banned for reckless endorsement gathering must remain banned at least until they update outside The North Pacific.
25. Unless a delegacy emergency is in effect, any Council member who exceeds the Vice Delegate's endorsement count while the Vice Delegate is above the required minimum for their position must stop seeking endorsements until they have fewer than the Vice Delegate.
26. Serving Frontier Delegates may eject or ban any nation in their respective territories of The North Pacific for reckless endorsement gathering that exceeds the respective territories endorsement cap
27. Nations banned for reckless endorsement gathering must remain banned at least until they update outside the territory of The North Pacific.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr Speaker,

The Endorsement Simplification Act aims to simplify the process through which permissible endorsement levels are calculated by basing the thresholds for reckless endorsement gathering, the Vice Delegate and Frontier Vice Delegate's minimum endorsement counts, and ejection limits, in consistent percentages of the WA Delegate's endorsement count rather than in an algorithm subject to complexity and variability. In addition to this, the process for enforcing such limits in frontiers is also simplified by giving Frontier Vice Delegate's the responsibility to set endorsement caps and Frontier Delegate's the responsibility to eject or ban nations who exceed the aforementioned caps. Overall, these are well-needed changes which will make assessing threats and calculating the associated thresholds a lot easier.

The bill is signed.

Mr. Delegate,

The Amendment to the Vice Delegate's Citizenship Evaluation Procedure has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Amendment to the Vice Delegate's Citizenship Evaluation Procedure::
1. Chapter 6 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:

Section 6.2: Administration and Loss of Citizenship
14. The Speaker will maintain a publicly viewable roster of citizens and their registered nations.
15. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose removal is ordered by the Court, whose registered nations in The North Pacific or one of its territories leave or cease to exist, or whose citizenship is voluntarily renounced by notifying the Speaker.
16. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who, for over 30 consecutive days, neither post on the regional forum, nor post on the regional message board of The North Pacific or one of its territories with their registered nations.
17. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose registered nations in The North Pacific or one of its territories are not in the World Assembly, except as part of an operation with the North Pacific Army, if their citizenship was granted after failing an evaluation by forum administration. This requirement will not apply if the citizens request and then pass another evaluation by forum administration.
18. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens to whom they granted citizenship in error, if the error is discovered within 7 days of granting their citizenship.
19. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are banned for maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with The North Pacific.
20. The Speaker may request an evaluation by forum administration on any existing citizen at any time, and forum administration may evaluate any existing citizen at any time and inform the Speaker of its findings.
21. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are confirmed to be using a second forum account or evading a judicially-imposed penalty.
22. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who are banned by forum administration.
23. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who passed an evaluation by the Vice Delegate but should have automatically failed that evaluation, if the Vice Delegate informs the Speaker of this error within 7 days of granting their citizenship.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr Delegate,

The Chief Justice Selection (Amendment) Bill has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Chief Justice Selection (Amendment) Bill:
1. Section 3.1, clause 3 of the Legal Code is amended to read:
In the event that a Chief Justice has not been elected by seven days after the conclusion of a Judicial election, including the conclusion of any required run-off votes, the Chief Justice shall be the Justice who first achieved a majority in that election.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
Mr Delegate,

The Continuous Commissioners Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.

Continuous Commissioners Act:
1. Chapter 4 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 4.3: The Election Commission:
13. The term of an Election Commissioner will be six months, beginning on the day they take the Oath of Office, or at the conclusion of their previous term if they are reconfirmed and take the Oath of Office before their term expires. The Delegate does not have the power to remove an Election Commissioner.
14. All elections will be supervised by two Election Commissioners.
15. An Election Commissioner will be considered absent during any election in which they are a candidate, or during any election which began prior to the start of their term. Absent Election Commissioners may not supervise an election or participate in any decisions made by the Election Commission as a whole.

If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.