Nutmeg for Justice - Inexperienced, Maybe; Willing to Learn, Absolutely

Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation
Roughly six months ago, I ran for the position of Vice Delegate. My campaign was torn apart for a lack of endorsements and experience, so I'm here to try something new. I'm moving towards the Judiciary, an organ of this region that I've read a lot about, but have never really had a chance to actually engage with, in an attempt to have a chance at a different aspect of TNP's workings.
I'm bringing with me not buckets of experience like my opponents, but a deep fascination with the mechanisms of our laws, and willingness to learn as much as I can about them.
This is not to say that I don't know what I'm doing. I've read through our laws quite thoroughly, read transcripts of previous court cases, and even written the Legal Code and Court System of another region.

If you put your faith in me, I will give it my all, and show you that sometimes you just need to let people learn in the deep end.
What have you learned thus far from your own reading of previous court cases? In particular, are there any court rulings that you disagree with, or that you have a different interpretation of?
What have you learned thus far from your own reading of previous court cases? In particular, are there any court rulings that you disagree with, or that you have a different interpretation of?
I've always had a bit of a bone to pick with the Court's reasoning for Grosseschnauzer's case of innocence in TNP v. Grosseschnauzer.
I must admit, criminal law and justice has been what I've read the most about.
TNP v. Whole India and the accompanying R4R were good lessons for me about evidence recognition and submission, and a lot of the earlier cases, especially cases such as TNP v. Jal, Mark 2 have been a good lesson in how to try and run a trial smoothly.
In terms of what I've learnt from reading R4Rs, it's all very technical language, something I'm working on being able to use.

What is your judicial philosophy?
I am a big fan of equality before the law, that's been a driving principle behind everything I've written, and my interpretations of it.
What would you do if you were a Justice and saw that a request for review that looked like this has been posted in the Court’s (both in terms of what practical steps you would take and how you might ultimately decide on it (if you can)):
1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review?

The Delegate suppressed my friends posts and then banned them when they asked why they got suppressed

2. What portions of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Code, or other legal document do you believe has been violated by the above? How so?

It is against free speech and not democratic to ban them when all they did was ask about what the delegate was doing the delegate should be allowed to be asked what they are doing with there power without being able to ban someone

3. Are there any prior rulings of the Court that support your request for review? Which ones, and how?

I don’t know

4. Please establish your standing by detailing how you, personally, have been adversely affected. If you are requesting a review of a governmental action, you must include how any rights or freedoms of yours have been violated.

My friend has been banned and if I post about it I think the delegate would ban me too and I don’t think that is fair

5. Is there a compelling regional interest in resolving your request? If so, explain why it is in the interest of the region as whole for your request to be decided now.

Yes the delegate should follow the law and free speech

6. Do you have any further information you wish to submit to the Court with your request?

What would you do if you were a Justice and saw that a request for review that looked like this has been posted in the Court’s (both in terms of what practical steps you would take and how you might ultimately decide on it (if you can)):
I would accept the Request for Review, as the Bill of Rights entitles the banned nation to present their ban for Judicial Review. I, as the Justice who accepted the R4R, would become moderating Justice, and I would invite the Delegate to provide a brief.
If the Delegate was able to show that their ban was justified, then I would rule that, similar to the Court's ruling On The Regional Ban of Siberia Union, the Delegate had in no way violated the Bill of Rights in their moderation duties of the Regional Message Board.
Of course, should the Delegate be unable to justify the nation's banning, or did not follow the procedure outlined in the Legal Code, I would, given a brief by the petitioner and/or citizens, rule that the Delegate had misused their powers in regards to moderation and responded with an inappropriate amount of force.

How am I supposed to believe that you're an actual candidate and not just a hive mind of squirrels in a fancy suit?
The Squirrels decline to make a comment
I'd like to quickly amend the above statement, as it was pointed out that it needs clarification.

I would accept the Request for Review, as the Bill of Rights entitles the banned nation to present their ban for Judicial Review.
I am accepting the petitioner as a representative of the banned nation, presenting the R4R on their behalf, as the banned nation has the right to review.
I appreciate that, if elected, you’ll likely be newer to the Court than your fellow Justices but would you want to try drafting any of the Court’s opinions in reviews or criminal cases (if there are any in need of drafting)?
I appreciate that, if elected, you’ll likely be newer to the Court than your fellow Justices but would you want to try drafting any of the Court’s opinions in reviews or criminal cases (if there are any in need of drafting)?
If my fellow Justices would let me, I would absolutely want to do so
It is the second day of the voting period of a general election. There is one candidate for Speaker: Xyvet. A resident nation sends a telegram to all citizens entitled to vote in the election. The telegram says that citizens should not vote for Xyvet because they were convicted of gross misconduct. It recommends voting for reopening nominations so that another candidate, Yyvet, can run. It says citizens have to act quickly if they don’t want a criminal as Speaker because voting ends tomorrow. Xyvet has not been convicted of any crime.

The Delegate ejects and bans the nation from the region. They post a notice stating that this action was performed because the telegram showed the nation would violate the Delegate’s RMB policy.

Could any nation be subject to criminal charges in relation to the matters described and, if so, what charges could they be subject to?
It is the second day of the voting period of a general election. There is one candidate for Speaker: Xyvet. A resident nation sends a telegram to all citizens entitled to vote in the election. The telegram says that citizens should not vote for Xyvet because they were convicted of gross misconduct. It recommends voting for reopening nominations so that another candidate, Yyvet, can run. It says citizens have to act quickly if they don’t want a criminal as Speaker because voting ends tomorrow. Xyvet has not been convicted of any crime.

The Delegate ejects and bans the nation from the region. They post a notice stating that this action was performed because the telegram showed the nation would violate the Delegate’s RMB policy.

Could any nation be subject to criminal charges in relation to the matters described and, if so, what charges could they be subject to?
The nation responsible for the telegram has committed Election Fraud by wilfully deceived residents of The North Pacific to the false existence of criminal charges against candidate Xyvet, and could be charged under 1.3.12 of the Legal Code
Could any charge be brought against the Delegate?
I'm not aware of any charges that could be brought against the Delegate, but I believe that they have violated 3.5.27 and 3.5.28 by not seeking the approval of the Court to ban the offending nation
Unless of course it was deemed that the nation was a security threat
I'm not aware of any charges that could be brought against the Delegate, but I believe that they have violated 3.5.27 and 3.5.28 by not seeking the approval of the Court to ban the offending nation
Unless of course it was deemed that the nation was a security threat
What if the Delegate were to say that they did not need approval because they were not performing a pre-charge banjection but were exercising their power to regulate the Regional Message Board?
What if the Delegate were to say that they did not need approval because they were not performing a pre-charge banjection but were exercising their power to regulate the Regional Message Board?
If an indictment has not been issued, then they can do so, but if the Court has accepted an indictment against the banned nation, then the Delegate could be charged with Gross Misconduct