Closing Address: 10 May 2024


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore

The Ministry of Defense
Closing Address: 10 May 2024

Hello again,

The NPA did some cool things this term, and I'm very proud of them for that. Going into it, I knew that we'd face many challenges. Between the war effort and rebuilding from within, we had our work cut out for us. Even so, I was fortunate enough to have a good team at my side for it all.

I want to thank my deputy ministers @Picairn and @Nutmeg The Squirrel for their work this term. I'd also like to thank outgoing Delegate @Kaschovia for his unwavering faith and belief in me. @Comfed also deserves my thanks as well, as he was one of our few experienced officers who regularly chimed in on discussions in the High Command and offered his insight.

Without each of them, the ministry would undeniably be in a worse spot. I'll spare you the details, but you can read my opening address and my midterm report if you want to see where it all started for us back in January.

Promotions and Awards

Now, I've long said that it's our soldiers who make everything that we do here possible. Without them, serving in this capacity wouldn't be worthwhile. My thanks go out to everyone in our barracks, from the Generals to the Privates and beyond.

As a result of their hard work this term, it's my privilege to announce the following changes in rank:

Warrant Officer @Picairn is hereby promoted to Lieutenant!

Corporal @Matzerati is hereby promoted to Sergeant!

Private @Star Winter is hereby promoted to Private First Class!

Additionally, I'm pleased to announce the conferment of the following distinction to a soldier who's gone above and beyond:

Lieutenant @Picairn is hereby awarded the Order of Service for their honorable and extraordinary service to the NPA.



This term wasn't always an easy one, but there were undoubtably a fair number of bright spots. Navigating the war on an ever-changing battlefield will continue to be a challenge, and my successor will need to pick up where I've left off with training and developing the next generation of NPAers. With leadership by example and a commitment to excellence, I can expect that we'll prevail eventually.

My best wishes and condolences to the one who comes after me.


~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Defense
You've done good Robes, and I hope you remain active in the Army following this term. Your knowledge and experience are an invaluable part of the North Pacific Army, and we'll need all we can get to finish the fight.
Thank you for the promotion and the award! It's been an honour serving under you.