Results: July 2018 Special Vice Delegate Election

Results: July 2018 Special Vice Delegate Election


The Election Commission has counted the votes in this Special Vice Delegate Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.

Candidate[c]Votes[c]Elected?[c] Pallaith [c] 31 [c] Yes [c]Brendog[c]17[c]No[c]Krevt[c]0[c]No[c]Mall[c]3[c]No

Out of 58 valid ballots cast, 4 answered Yes to re-open nominations. This is not a majority, so nominations will not be reopened.

No ballots were challenged by members of the Election Commission. Three ballots were invalidated because the voters did not maintain citizenship during the entire voting period: Seraph, Union of Caplis, and Chinar D.

A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commissioners: Artemis, Crushing Our Enemies
Congratulations Pallaith (Ghost) on becoming our new Vice delegate and I want to thank all of the candidates who tried this election!
Congratulations on your election. Well done with your campaigns, to those who lost.