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Commend International Democratic Union
Category: Commendation | Target: International Democratic Union
Proposed by: Marxist Germany | Onsite Topic
The World Assembly,
Recalling the founding of International Democratic Union, whereby nations fleeing a coup in The North Pacific decided to form their own region during summer of 2005; and the region has since maintained its democratic elections and benevolency,
Noting that International Democratic Union is a region known best for its General Assembly authorship, wherein roughly 12% of GA resolutions, which is 54, have been authored by nations residing within the region, these nations include:
- Separatist Peoples, a nation which has authored 14 resolutions,
- Sciongrad, with 13 resolutions, and,
- Bears Armed through its proxy Bears Armed Mission, which has authored 13, and many other nations such as Sanctaria and The Dark Star Republic,
Recognising that these achievements were made possible through the regions active regional forum where veteran delegations from prolific nations are able to help newer delegations in authoring resolutions, and this has led to many nations wishing to participate in the World Assembly to relocate to International Democratic Union,
Awed by the number of important issues brought to the attention of the international community by nations residing in International Democratic Union, which totals 14,
Acknowledging that International Democratic Union is home to many commended nations which are, Separatist Peoples, Sanctaria, Bears Armed, and Sciongrad,
Further acknowledging that the region maintains active lists of General Assembly resolutions authored by nations residing in the region and issues brought to the attention of the international community; which allows it to keep track of its achievements,
Lauding the regions great cultural events held to improve interregional relations such as:
- The Film Festival, an event in which nations are able to share films and videos, and comment on each others',
- The Cheese Festival, in which nations compete at various culinary competitions,
- The IDU Football Championships, whereby nations send their best footballers to represent them in intense matches,
Observing that International Democratic Union has been involved in helping combat the various Zombie Plagues that breakout internationally frequently, and has also been involved in the Canopy Faction during the most recent Nuclear Day, a Faction that was one of the largest and included many commended regions such as 10000 Islands, Texas, and Yggdrasil,
Believing that a region dedicated to the betterment of the international community, one that holds regular cultural events open to all regions, one that helps combat plagues detrimental to many nations, and a region that is active and has one of the longest continuous democratic government, deserves recognition by the Security Council,
Commends International Democratic Union
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.