So, as you all probably know, I am ethnically Indian. So, I've always wanted to create an Indian nation here on NS. One problem, though. Well, two. Rhuvanland and Shei Ren. That brings my claim total up to three claims. So instead of making a new nation, I'm debating whether I should make MAJOR changes to Syrixia. Remember, folks, these would be OOC changes, so Syrixia would be like this already canon-wise if the changes happen.
Current Syrixia:
-Monarchless republic
-Own language that I've barely structed cus I suck at linguistics
-People are white
-Ruled by Emperors during the days of yore, different houses ruled at diff. times
-Sticking with current flag and coat of arms
-Less room to go in depth, having to rely on imagination for people and government info, not really what I wanna do
Proposed Syrixia:
-Monotheism, but with Hindu cultural elements and without a "prophet" like Jesus
-Constitutional monarchy, ruled by modern descendants of the Imperial House and put in place again in 2006
-A single ruling house, like the Yamatos in Japan
-Language called Syrixian, but would basically be Hindi
-People are darker skinned; basically look like Indians here on Earth
-Ruled by Maharajas during the days of yore
-New, more Indian flag and coat of arms; will probably be better than current one as this wouldn't be my first time
-I'd be able to go in depth more about the people and government and culture and more
Would we be able to make this work history-wise? Would you all be OK with it? Thoughts and comments PLEASE, I really need them. :0
Current Syrixia:
-Monarchless republic
-Own language that I've barely structed cus I suck at linguistics
-People are white
-Ruled by Emperors during the days of yore, different houses ruled at diff. times
-Sticking with current flag and coat of arms
-Less room to go in depth, having to rely on imagination for people and government info, not really what I wanna do
Proposed Syrixia:
-Monotheism, but with Hindu cultural elements and without a "prophet" like Jesus
-Constitutional monarchy, ruled by modern descendants of the Imperial House and put in place again in 2006
-A single ruling house, like the Yamatos in Japan
-Language called Syrixian, but would basically be Hindi
-People are darker skinned; basically look like Indians here on Earth
-Ruled by Maharajas during the days of yore
-New, more Indian flag and coat of arms; will probably be better than current one as this wouldn't be my first time
-I'd be able to go in depth more about the people and government and culture and more
Would we be able to make this work history-wise? Would you all be OK with it? Thoughts and comments PLEASE, I really need them. :0