I would like to bring forth a proposal to lower the quorum of legislative votes. Two consecutive votes have failed to achieve quorum and needed extentions, the Emergency Law Bill and the COI Mark II bill. The current number of votes required to achieve quorum is 50, which is quite high in my opinion. I have not drafted any amendment yet; I would just like to put this up for discussion for now.
The relevant part of the Legal Code is as follows:
Here's the proposal currently:
The relevant part of the Legal Code is as follows:
Legal Code; Section 6.1: Citizenship:16. The number of votes required to achieve quorum for any legislative vote is equal to one third the number of those citizens who have voted in a legislative vote at least once in the last 20 consecutive days or have not missed more than three consecutive legislative votes, as determined by the time the votes closed. A legislative vote is a vote of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal laws.
Here's the proposal currently:
Quorum Reduction Act:The Legal Code, Section 6.1; Clause 16, shall be amended to read as follows:16. The number of votes required to achieve quorum for any legislative vote is equal to one third of the number of citizens who have voted in at least one of the three most recent legislative votes. A legislative vote is a vote of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal laws.