Things Fall Apart

NPD was so warm and fuzzy. Like a little bunny.  :rofl:
Don't insult the
!!!! :o
No People's Republic of the Pacific? That would be better for me, at least.

And I may TNP's Village Idiot, but I'm, also an idiot who knows what he's saying (barely)!
And I may TNP's Village Idiot, but I'm, also an idiot who knows what he's saying (barely)!
Every idiot needs there village.

Interestingly enough, not every village needs its idiot...

And now, please excuse me while I ponder the mysterious nature of the world...
Don't worry too much Apollo-Industria, you are far from alone here.

"It takes a village..."
Did someone, other than you yourself, actually edit your post, Apollo-Industria?

[Edit] Nevermind, I found the answer myself.
So, about the PRP... what's happening now?

*Carops needs an update, because he hasn't been on IRC today*
Well, I can't tell you much because the Pacific hates me and barred me access on their forums but as far as I can tell, Blackadder is a powercraving emperor.
I got banned too, but I talk to them on the infidel game of Cybernations..
The "Emperor" thing set off a warning siren when I first heard it, to be honest.
Yeah; my IP Address got me in trouble. It is mainly goddessness I hate. If they get rid of her, I'll :worship: every single gov't official there. Well, not really. I'll praise God, though.
If we are talking about our Pacific bannings, I'm functionally banned. My mask has intentionally been set to guest, and guess what mask level can't post!

Apparently, criticism is only allowed when it's invalid.