Midterm Address - March 2025
My fellow North Pacificans,
I find it hard to believe that half of the term has come and gone, and it would certainly be accurate to say that the past two months have flown by. Things certainly haven’t been easy for this administration, and the activity issues that plagued our government and region as a whole haven’t gone away overnight. I took office knowing that a sizable amount of effort and willpower would be required of myself and those surrounding me, which has proven to be the case. The current situation required TNP leadership to pick up even more of the slack than they usually would, and I am grateful for the members of my cabinet, past and present, for stepping up when required. I have done my very best to uphold the vow that I made to my fellow North Pacificans, which is to be the change I wish to see in our government. No one is perfect, and I certainly haven’t been while I was still adjusting to the seat, not for the first time. I can always be more visible, work harder, and manage my time more effectively - improvement and growth should be sought after every day, and that’s what I’ve tried to do.
Concurrently, there have been plenty of improvements. The cabinet has been harmonious and has communicated well with one another. The practice of regular cabinet meetings has returned, and our agenda and progress are usually discussed once a week. Things have also been quite active behind the scenes in many of our ministries, and while ideally we’d have more end product, our state of affairs leaves me optimistic for what we can accomplish in the near future. Now, let’s dive into what we’ve accomplished so far.
Beginning with our internal ministries, The Ministry of Culture recently collaborated with The Region with No Big Banks to successfully host a game night in our region’s server, with a radio show being planned in the future. On that front, the first radio show of the term– another rendition of the RP spotlight– has been recorded and edited and is pending release. Our writers are also working hard on the next issue of The North Star (TNS), which we plan to transition to a bi-monthly schedule to accommodate our staffing. Things have slowed down recently, but with the introduction of our new Minister, whom I will introduce later on in this address, I’m confident we will get things up and running again. Moving on to Home Affairs, where our recruitment efforts have been impressive, with us being on pace to overtake the number sent in the previous term. Our telegram lists are being sent steadily, and with additional effort, we can reach the term goal of seventeen. A major achievement of the term has been the overhaul of our regional dispatches, which have been consistently updated and have been updated with new graphics. In particular, I commend @Picairn for his commitment and dedication in that regard. Development on the reintroduction of the Welcome Wagon has begun, and I thank those in our community who have volunteered to sign up for it. While our job is nowhere near complete, I’m encouraged by the groundwork we’ve laid and look forward to seeing it fruition.
The story for our extra ministries is a similar one– the majority of the work has been done behind the scenes. A personal goal of mine, the FA Digest, has been diligently worked on by our staff, and its expected release date is toward the end of the term. Given the volume of events that we are seeking to cover, it only makes sense to put as much time into it as possible. We continue to expand and strengthen our diplomatic network, most significantly welcoming the Augustin Alliance into the PPO, and are currently working behind the scenes to further strengthen our ties to various regions. We are also looking to collaborate culturally with our allies, namely The Wellspring as we approach their founding anniversary. Beyond military engagements, we are working with our Culture team to emphasize peaceful activities and look forward to marking an important anniversary with The Wellspring. We remain committed to supporting our friends across the world, whether it be closely or from afar. The North Pacific Army’s activity levels remain stable. We have been busy piling, supporting me during the Delegate transition, and formerly the Delegate of The Outback. For the past couple of weeks, the NPA has supported TW and its delegate Well-Sprung Jack since its security crisis with help from allies. In the World Assembly, we continued to support resolutions from our allies, promote meaningful, well-written resolutions, and make an effort to increase their quality. While things have gotten rocky on the internal side of things, we have gotten back on track over the last couple of weeks, with forum threads being posted regularly and IFVs being written. We’ve also had several TNPers see commendations passed for this term, and my congratulations go to @Siwale and @Sil Dorsett, and to @Pallaith as well, who worked diligently to bring these extraordinary members of our community the recognition they deserve. Many more are waiting to see the light of day, something I eagerly anticipate.
Earlier, I teased that I would be appointing a new Minister of Culture, and the time has come for me to reveal my pick. Throughout my discussions, it was agreed that @Jinkies needed a change of pace in the executive, and an opportunity presented itself. Her unwavering enthusiasm and management skills make her an excellent appointment, and I’m hopeful that she can bolster the Ministry and provide some stability at the position as the third individual to be entrusted with leading Culture for the term. This, of course means another vacancy has opened up, one that will be filled promptly. @Fachu has proved himself to be one of the most reliable staff members in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs ever since he joined, and his energy, among other qualities, makes him the most logical replacement. I look forward to giving the newer blood in our region a chance, and I certainly hope Fachu makes the most of it. Join me in congratulating the appointees, and please take your oaths!
Now, more than ever, The North Pacific needs you. For those with ambition and seeking to make a difference and improve our region, there has never been a better time to make your mark. This unique time presents you with a boatload of opportunities hardly seen at other times throughout our region’s history. Whether it’s joining the executive or signing up for military gameplay, there is always something that The North Pacific has to offer, and I encourage you all to explore it. I got to where I am today by taking advantage of the chances given to me, and I can only hope more people follow that path. With your participation and commitment today, we can deliver our region a stronger tomorrow. Let’s end the term on a high!

Delegate of The North Pacific