Vivanco for Justice XIII - Amicus Curiae, Animus Manendi


Legal Nerd? Yeah, that's me
She/Her They/Them
TNP Nation

Friend of the Court, with Intent of Staying

Amicus Curiae, Animus Manendi
"Justice expects no reward, it accepts itself." claimed Cicero back in the Roman Republic. A man who devoted his life to law and justice. And much like him, who in the times of the Roman Republic devoted to its legal sistem, much like Ulpianus, Gaius, Paulus, Papinianus and Modestinus, with Valentinian III's Law of Citations.

This is but the thirdteen time I ran to the highest (and only) chamber of law in this region, and it is but with example and actions that I wish to prove why should I remain here.

I invite you all, citizens, to look to the archives, to the declassifications of the deliberations, to the resolutions, to the briefs submitted in the past, to, as well-informed citizens, have a clear and conscious mind as to who to place your trust and your vote upon. Because I will do all I have done, in the past and in the present, to ensure that I do too in the future. The project of Justice in this region, while some have lost the faith on it, I still hold close, and if we are to properly establish a virtual society based in the pillars of equality, democracy and justice, this latter should not be left to waver under an impression of fear of being any kind of international mockery.

I welcome all questions.​
To the newly or recently arrived citizen, I'll post a brief introduction to myself. A small "Curriculum Vitae".
  • Last Attorney General of the region.
  • Legislatively active in several fronts, mostly pertraining the improvement and optimisation of legal procedures.
  • Part of the Court several times, and Twice Chief Justice.
  • Past Court Examiner.
  • Past Bar Commissioner.
  • Serial Brief Redactor for R4R's.
  • Real-Life Procedural Law Attorney.