Joint Tags
February 22, 2025
Some people like it. Some people don't. To the latter group, I say: shut the hell up.
The North Pacific Army loves maple syrup so much, we like to ship it from region to region in giant, depreciating ships. The biggest of these ships, the bull moose of the fleet, is the HMCS Winnipeg. (Why yes, "HMCS" is used by the Canadian Navy. Why do you ask?) As the Winnipeg was sailing the high seas, its ballast tanks suddenly fell out, causing the ship to abruptly tip over. Billions of tons of maple syrup spilled out into the ocean.
The saddest part? All the nearby ducks were so covered in maple syrup, they couldn't fly.
Maple syrup spills:
General Comfed
Colonel Picairn (trigger)
Colonel Dotopolis
Pseudonymous allies:
Volunteer Ɔoᴉuʇoss
Volunteer Naora
Volunteer Haywire Mac (moral support)
Volunteer Rae (moral support)
Ducks slathered:
NationStates | Novus Ineptias

NationStates | Tyrona