Nutmeg for Justice II - That Might Leave A Mark

Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation
Hello Citizens of TNP!
I'm back, and I'm running again for the seat of Justice of The North Pacific!
You all may or may not know me as The Anddoran Commune, and I've run and been elected as Justice once before.

This time I bring with me some legal experience, having been involved in three R4Rs serving alongside Pallaith and Vivanco (although I will readily admit that I was not the direct author, I gave feedback on these R4R rulings, and I moderated "On the Reconsideration of Freedom of Information Requests against the Security Council", R4R no. 83).

So, what do I plan to do that is different this time?
Well, this is the Court, I can't come waltzing in with this massive campaign on a wide variety of topics like I could in a Delegate campaign. But I would like to say that I'm still quite interested in the Clerk program, and attempting to revitalise what I believe was an interesting program involved in providing legal knowledge for our everyday citizens. I'd like to revisit the idea of training our citizens to be able to understand the language of the Legal Code, to understand the procedures involved, and to be able to practice drafting opinions.

You may also wonder if I'll be active enough for all this, if I will commit enough time to this role. I would like to reassure you that this is not just Nutmeg for Justice II, this is Nutmeg 2.0.
I have fixed up my life a bit, and I am going to provide as much of my time as I can to NationStates, and to my roles in TNP.

I will be available to ask any questions that people would like to ask of me, questions involving my campaign, questions involving hypothetical legal scenarios, whatever you'd like to ask. I'm here to answer, and I encourage you to vote Nutmeg The Squirrel for Justice of The North Pacific!
I quite like the idea of giving citizens, especially newer ones, the opportunity to learn and understand our legal code (especially from people more experienced in it), and how it works because it can appear quite complex to some, so the idea of a form of training programme sounds interesting to me. Do you have any idea of how you, in a perfect world, would like to see that implemented?
I quite like the idea of giving citizens, especially newer ones, the opportunity to learn and understand our legal code (especially from people more experienced in it), and how it works because it can appear quite complex to some, so the idea of a form of training programme sounds interesting to me. Do you have any idea of how you, in a perfect world, would like to see that implemented?
I do!
There's an existing framework from my first term that Pallaith set up where we accepted a bunch of people who applied, set them all up in a chat with the three of us, and I believe we ran through some of the R4Rs as practices.
In a perfect world, I'd like to keep that the same, but I'd like to see some more participation, even from myself (which was lacking at the time due to activity concerns), and I'd love to practice mock criminal trials where the citizens get to practice serving as the Prosecution, the Defence and the Moderating Justice.
I believe it would work best with assistance from the Regional Bar as well as the Justices, so there's a larger pool of experience to draw from.