Opening Address
January 2025
To all citizens and staffers,
I last spoke to you as outgoing Minister of Communications, and now I speak to you for the first time as the incoming Minister of Home Affairs. It's quite amazing how much things can change in such a short space of time, isn't it? I won't deceive you, there will be some learning on the job. Everywhere I go in this region, there is always stuff to get to grips with, but that's part of what makes all of this so fun. I've done quite a few HA-related projects in the past, in more recent memory reviving the WADP awards and, with the immense assistance of Sil Dorsett and Europeia, bringing about our manual recruitment tools, so I'm willing to learn whatever is required of me. We are, however, moving toward fresh horizons, where fresh perspectives are needed, so I certainly do not underestimate the task ahead of me. But before I get into the details, I'd like to congratulate @Chipoli, @Halsoni, and @Matzerati on their election victories and thank our incoming Delegate for the opportunity to take up this position. As always, it is an honor to serve the region.
I am in the process of sorting the preliminary leadership team as you read this, but right off the bat I am pleased to welcome @Nutmeg The Squirrel back as a Deputy Minister for this term. Further updates will follow regarding additional appointments but in the name of expediency let's get to discussing the term ahead!
Key Objectives
As covered in Chipoli's election campaign and now entrusted to me as the appointed MoHA, the Welcome Wagon will be making a return. I think welcoming new members to the region at the earliest possible point is one of the best ways of keeping them around in the short to medium term, so we'll be focusing on this area as well as setting up a team dedicated to greeting and onboarding those who join our Discord and forums.
It is also a key mission objective to improve our manual recruitment efforts, which means tailoring our messaging to current events in tandem with existing methods. As someone with experience in Communications previously, making sure our recruitment telegrams are more dynamic and engaging should not prove too difficult a task. This effort mostly begins with encouraging staffers to take up manual recruitment and write their own telegram templates for approval and use by the ministry as and when they are needed.
And finally, making sure we use the Gameside Advocates more effectively as a bridge between gameside residents and the forums is going to be a massive priority for me this term. I am particularly interested in seeing what it really takes for recruitment to work at a grassroots level on the RMB, so we will be exploring that with the GAs regularly throughout the term.
General Improvements
Overall last term, 11 telegram lists were completed with 11,043 manual recruitment telegrams being sent. I'm going to aim to improve those numbers as much as possible, which means more regular pings and lists. The goal for these two figures is 17 telegram lists and 15,000 manual recruitment telegrams. Additionally, we should aim to increase activity in regards to mentors as well, which means more regular communication in tandem with the Welcome Wagon. We'll also be doing a full audit of our regional dispatches to identify which need to be updated, reviewed, or overhauled altogether. I am a fan of any form of points system so the current system will stay, but there may be a few tweaks made to it yet, potentially lowering the threshold for earning cards to encourage a little more activity. And lastly, birthday party strike group activities will continue as usual. Any other ideas for the ministry that I come up with will materialise in due course, but for now it's all about getting the basics together.
Roll Call
Make sure to go and answer the roll call here, it's super important that we know who is going to be around this term. I'll be reaching out to everyone individually as well but please go and respond there as soon as you can!
That's enough talk for now, let's get this show on the road!

Minister of Home Affairs
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