Closing Address
January 2025
Hello to all,
Back in September, I titled my opening address "A Hopeful Return" for a very good reason: it's important to start anything in life with enough hope to believe that it can go as well. While I definitely can't say that this term has gone as well as I would have wanted it to go, I feel to some degree that is actually a compliment to the incredibly high standards we've managed to achieve in the ministry, regardless of its future under the next administration. I know you're all aware of just how much work goes into our publications, so I am sincerely proud of everyone who has contributed to and truly cared about the ministry, not only this term, but every time it's stood on its own two feet. At the end of the day, it is good enough for me that we genuinely tried.
I'm sure many of you know by now that I've been a staunch proponent of independence for the Communications ministry, and somewhere within I always will be, but I welcome the change of what seems set to be the incoming administration and look forward to seeing how the Ministry of Culture takes on those responsibilities with a combined and (hopefully) re-energised staff. Naturally, I will be writing as always. Maybe with a heavier heart, but I'm sure I'll be writing nonetheless, and I hope you all try it too! Our publications are some of the best work we put out because it takes real grit and determination. It takes belief in your own ability to step outside your comfort zone and put something out there for the rest of the game to read. For so many years now, I have in some capacity channelled what I love into this ministry whenever I have been able to, because I simply think what we make is art. Whether it's a smaller report, or a full-scale novella, what we're doing is storytelling, which is perhaps the most intrinsically powerful human thing we can do. As much as I want this ministry to be its own thing, I am also adaptable and recognize that the inherent need to communicate and tell stories through our publications is not something that could possibly die, because we're humans, so that is encouraging to me at the very least.
I want to specifically thank @Picairn, @Jinkies, and @Halsoni for their work in the ministry in recent times. Picairn, you're one of those people who makes me genuinely proud to be a part of TNP, you came into Communications and the wider region when I was just starting my first term as Delegate and it feels like in the blink of an eye you've shown me again why I've put so much into the ministry in the first place. You're a shining example of how far you can go when you're simply willing to try. I wish you all the best in whatever you do in the future. Jinkies, you're super impressive in terms of your work ethic and willingness to do things well, and your contributions to the ministry as of late have again shown me why this is all so important. And Halsoni, you've always had so much passion for the ministry and you speak/act with that same passion in whatever you do, which is an incredible quality.
Overall, I'm happy. When you look at the bigger picture, this is an extremely small corner of the world, but it's a corner I really care about. Not only NationStates and the community here, but simply being able to say that you were a part of all of the things this ministry has accomplished, and will continue to accomplish under Culture, is pretty cool. According to my signature, this is the fifth time I've done this specific job. Will it be the last time? Who knows, I just hope Culture next term can (and I believe it will) treat our publications and creative output with as much care and determination as they deserve.
Thank you all for letting me do this again, I've loved it.