Treaty of Augusta Borealis


PC Load Letter
TNP Nation
Treaty of Augusta Borealis

WHEREAS The North Pacific and the Augustin Alliance hold sovereignty and authority over their respective regions and territories;

WHEREAS this sovereignty is rooted in the unique nature of both, with The North Pacific being a game-created feeder and the Augustin Alliance being a federation of user-created regions;

WHEREAS both parties desire to develop closer ties with one another through continued discussions and forge a closer bond in the modern era;

Now therefore, The North Pacific and the Augustin Alliance ("the parties") agree as follows:

Article 1: Mutual Recognition

1. Both parties recognize that the Augustin Alliance holds sole and legitimate governance and sovereignty over the following regions through the Allied Commander and the Central Strategic Committee:

(a). the "Core Regions" of Anteria, Cape of Good Hope, Conch Kingdom, Dawn, Lands End, Narnia, and Ridgefield; and,

(b). the "Territories" of August, Augustin Alliance, Conch Island, Conch Kingdom RP, Dreams of Good Hope, Marionette, and TNP.

2. Both parties recognize that the lawful government of The North Pacific holds sole and legitimate governance and sovereignty over The North Pacific.

3. Both parties agree to amend Article 1.1(a) and/or (b) if a region becomes a Core Region or Territory of the Augustin Alliance.

4. The North Pacific shall maintain an on-site embassy with each Core Region of the Augustin Alliance, and each party further agrees to maintain an off-site embassy with the other.

Article 2: Non-Aggression

1. The parties will recognize only the sole and legitimate governments of the Augustin Alliance and The North Pacific as defined in Article 1 over their respective regions and territories.

2. The parties shall not engage in any military hostilities against the other. Participation by the parties on opposite sides of a military engagement that does not constitute an attack on either party’s regions or territories shall not be considered “military hostilities” for this purpose.

3. The parties will not in any way initiate, participate in, or enable espionage, subversion, clandestine operations or other actions which violate the laws of the parties against the other party.

Article 3: Intelligence Sharing

1. The parties shall provide to the other information concerning the security or well-being of their regions or territories, unless the party in possession of such information reasonably believes that distribution would violate applicable laws, the terms of service for NationStates or offsite hosting providers, or unduly compromise the source(s) of the information.

2. The parties will keep confidential all intelligence provided to them under this Article, unless the other signatory consents to the release.

Article 4: Mutual Defence

1. The parties shall provide military assistance to one another in case of a military attack, either internal or external, which targets the other party’s regions or territories.

2. Upon request, the parties may assist one another during Delegate transitions.

Article 5: World Assembly Collaboration

1. Each party shall support World Assembly resolutions proposed by members of the other party through approvals for the purposes of advancing the proposals to queue and votes in favor on the assembly floor as soon as practicable, so long as:

a. the respective delegates of each signatory are asked in advance of the vote to provide such support, and given any accommodation for limitations in the respective delegates’ ability to approve or vote for the proposal;

2. Either party may apply the above provisions to any other proposed World Assembly resolution, and the other party will endeavor to accommodate such a request, so long as:

a. such support would not conflict with the signatories’ diplomatic commitments to another region through agreement specific to the proposed resolution made prior to the signatories’ request or through existing treaties;

b. such support would not conflict with the signatories’ internal process for determining its delegate’s vote in the World Assembly.

3. Neither party will approve or vote for a resolution naming the other party, an entity strongly associated with that party such that the resolution is likely to impact that party's reputation, without that party's consent.

Article 6: Cultural Collaboration

1. Both parties shall endeavor to conduct communal cultural activities to the benefit of members of both regions, such as an annual festival which showcases each signatory's traditions and rich history.

2. Cultural and culture-adjacent institutions from both parties shall be encouraged to host events with one another, share experiences and knowledge, and work together whenever appropriate.

Article 7: General Provisions and Dissolution

1. This treaty shall come into effect upon its ratification by the duly authorized individuals or bodies of both the parties.

2. Either party shall endeavor to give a week's notice in the aforementioned embassies before terminating this treaty.

3. Both parties agree to make all reasonable efforts to seek a diplomatic solution before withdrawing.