A Note on Heloon


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TNP Nation
Hello! It's Pry, Lead RP Mod in TNP. After consulting with the TNP RP Mod staff, I have made the decision to indefinitely ban the user known as Heloon, Hel, Heloonia, Heloonia Islands, among other variations, from all TNPRP settings and TNPRP specific platforms.

Heloon has been a member of TNP for years, and has had a tumultuous go of it. He has lied about his age. He has posted racist memes, images, and ideas, he has hijacked discussions on our platforms by treating said platforms like his own personal blog. He has engaged in juvenile behaviour that has made many of our citizens and RPers uncomfortable. We always gave him chances to improve, assuming he'd get better with age. Yet he hasn't. He has routinely demonstrated either an unwillingness or inability to act in a mature manner and to contribute to the wider TNPRP community.

As such I have taken a necessary step by banning Heloon from all TNPRP settings and RP exclusive platforms.

NOTE- This does not constitute a ban from TNP as a whole. Heloon is not banned from TNP, merely its RP community and settings.

EDIT- Heloon has been banned from TNP in totality.
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