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Condemn Feux
Category: Condemnation | Target: Feux
Proposed by: Rhaza, Co-authors: Belleroph, Dalimbar | Onsite Topic
The Security Council,
This august body has sought to condemn the most nefarious actors in the history of the multiverse for persistent acts of subversion and tyranny, but few nations have an ability to exist as ever-changing shapes, spreading evil across so many years and communities,
Recalling that Feux came to prominence in 2011 as Jeux II, where they traded the WA Delegacy of Europe with Alsted several times. During this rivalry Feux developed a taste for despotism, and abused their place in the United Defenders League to call upon foreign forces to support their bids for the delegacy. Thankfully, they were defeated and abandoned Europe, where Alsted continued to serve for years to come as a community fixture,
Undeterred by their prior losses in Europe, Feux ventured to the New Pacific Order (NPO) and Lazarus. It was in the NPO that their appetite for subversion was only enabled, and their ambitions in Lazarus grew alongside their loyalty to their new home. Feux quickly demonstrated their brutal efficiency and rose to the rank of Senator in 2013,
In Lazarus, Feux became a critical figure in the Emerald Kingdom that ruled 2007-13. As King, they orchestrated a brutal purge of imperialist figures in the region, leading to the forced exile of Griffin Somerset, the region’s longtime Delegate who Feux defeated by a single vote in the preceding election. This act of oppression ended the Emerald Kingdom and ushered in the People’s Republic of Lazarus,
Concurrent to their service in the People’s Republic, Feux continued their rise in the New Pacific Order. Eventually they were promoted to Regent, second only to the Emperor in deciding the ultimate direction of the region, a position the world would soon pay dearly for allowing Feux to attain,
Abhorred that during their Regency in the NPO, despite being a father nation of the People’s Republic, Feux was a part of the core group that initiated and attempted to establish the New Lazarene Order when they illegally edited the regional constitution, dismissed members of the regional Congress, and expelled key regional contributor Funkadelia,
Throughout the brief New Lazarene Order, Feux, alongside Stujenske and A Mean Old Man, attempted to enforce a full annexation of Lazarus into the NPO, a venture which very nearly succeeded, failing due to the defection of an affiliate, leading to Feux’s demotion from Regent, Krulltopia’s record tenure ending, and the Gang of Five Trial in the new Lazarene courts,
Devastated to learn that Feux remained resolute in their lust for sabotage, cultivating the identity Adytus alongside associates AMOM (as Wrektopia) and Stujenske (as Kowassati), setting their sights on Osiris. There, the group rose to key roles in the region, leading to Feux and their partners occupying a majority of the region’s Council of Guardians,
Revolted that even as Adytus, Feux sought to undermine the sovereignty of Lazarus once again, participating in the importation of voters by Lone Wolves United and the Rahl family that contributed to the establishment of the Undead Dominion of Lazarus and the onset of the region’s civil war,
Somewhat relieved that Feux, as Adytus, fled Osiris alongside their accomplices after their failed attempt to prevent the passage of the region’s revised constitution, fearing its implementation would stifle their influence in the region. Adytus would later make a brief attempt on the delegacy of Lazarus during the anarchy period, but soon after abandon the effort,
Minding that Feux was promptly reappointed to the NPO’s Senate after the Adytus identity was put to rest, only to be thrust back into the spotlight when it was revealed in 2018 that Adytus was an alias of Feux and that this had been confided to the Emperor, adding to the pile of scandals plaguing the NPO at the time, causing unprecedented stress once again resulting in the resignation of the Emperor, then further the banishment of Feux and others,
Clarifying this council’s view on the then-Emperor: Aleisyr, in that the Emperor was unaware of Adytus’ and affiliates exploits until they had passed, and that they should be understood to be exonerated for the events of 2018. Instead, blame rests squarely where it is deserved, on the shoulders of Feux and their co-conspirators,
Finding solace in Feux’s removal from the NPO following the 2018 outrages, after which the world found comfort in the ignorance of their newest shape, believing their nation to have long dissolved,
Shocked to discover in 2024, that longtime resident of Lazarus, Debussy, had secretly been a proxy of Feux for five years, once again rising to the rank of Security Councillor. Feux near flawlessly avoided detection until a series of chance circumstances alerted friends of Lazarus, leading to their uncovering,
Knowing that this council and the regions of the world cannot rest easy so long as this nation and its many variants flow rampant,
Hereby condemns the Changer of Shapes, Feux.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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