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Simone for Vice Delegate - I'll Get the Job Done - A Sensible Alternative
I have been asked by various folks in TNP to run for Vice Delegate (VD) and I have accepted the invitation. I’d keep my platform brief.
Endorsements: This has to be the no.1 goal for TNP, given the plunge in our endos since Sep 2024, both in the raw number, and in the share of active WA players.
While the Delegate is in charge of Home Affairs, if I have the honor to be your Vice Delegate, I will pledge to ramp up the portions under the VD and the SC. This includes:
- I am delighted that the WADP came back in the last administration. I will continue the great work from @Kaschovia and @Sil Dorsett on this programme.
- Cards Lottery should be able to make a consistent return. There were some specific problems with the Cards Guild several months, but I understand it is now on a much more solid footing thanks in no small part to @Dreadton and the Cards Guild team.
- The Security Council needs to do their part. SC members still need to endotart often and keep as close to the legal limits as possible, to set a good example for everyone else in the IC government.
I delivered on my KPI as Delegate in terms of the share of WA players (from 6.54% to 6.79% during my term starting in May 2024), in no small part due to recruitment., and I am confident of ramping up as Vice Delegate taking on the VD/SC portion of recruitment.
Vice Delegate Reports: I will keep the weekly routine. The statistics will be kept online to make it easier for citizens to reference the progress of the VD’s work, and updated as needed.
More listening, less talking: I am aware that VD is not a top-down role, so I will restrain myself from micro-managing. If I have the privilege to be your VD, I will defer to the Security Council for their advice and wisdom. As Delegate I have observed the Security Council at work, so I have a good understanding of the nuances.
Declassifications and other admin: I handled TNP routines like clockwork, and stepped up when needed - on top of WAA, I also stepped in for Comms and Radio when I was Delegate. At the request of various Security Council officers, I will also put in place a plan to clear the years-long backlog on Security Council discord message declassifications.
Executive Council: there is only one Delegate at one time, and I will not speak on behalf of TNP outside of TNP. I will not offer advice unless asked. I am not about to go and be a bombthrower in various Discords.
If the Delegate Resigns: I believe this is unlikely, but if I end up being a caretaker, I will not implement my own policies as interim Delegate - I will simply “hold the fort” until the next election.
In summary, I offer an alternative for those voters that desire one - someone who has a good track record for the admin work, having learnt from my mistakes to keep my mouth shut outside of TNP, stay active in TNP, and already reasonably familiar in the processes of the SC, having previously been Delegate.
I hope to seek your support in the coming days, and, if I have the privilege to serve you again in an elected capacity, over the next four months.

(Any edits to my platform after posting will be shown below for transparency)
Edit 1: changed the section on "declassifications" on SC request. Some minor edits on formatting.
Edit 2: elaborated on the Endorsement strategies section as it pertains to VD as per a Discord conversation. Some minor edits on formatting.
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