Samödāsadʃiƿu Productions


TNP Nation
Ashita ♡#1730


We are a cutting-edge, avant-garde virtual entertainment guild, conquering the frontier of modern entertainment via VR/AR technology. Our VR-Streamer talents provide various experiences ranging from video game streams to offline concerts for fans across Eras.

Samödāsadʃiƿu is an aesthetic, a lifestyle and a community. We are working constantly to develop social extensions of the Samödāsadʃiƿu vision by connecting fans, creators, and talents all around the world via our platforms.





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सेुक्रोसे स्क्रआुत्ले

“I just like to wing it.”

This flamboyant flamingo is the QUESTERZ’s loyal bard, full of both unlimited energy and highly questionable decision-making skills. Sukrose is a dreamer, first and foremost, but she’s definitely not a planner. She’s always biting off way more than she can chew, whether it’s trying to slay a dragon all by herself, or just trying to do the QUESTERZ’s laundry. But somehow, even if it’s against all odds in the known universe, things tend to work out for her.


Adriana LINNE

अद्रीअन ऌन्

“Victory tastes better with salt, and I’ll take yours!”
This hostile hyrax was once a feared one-woman wrecking ball who bested warrior hordes and slayed petty rulers across the land. After getting too cocky and losing everything in a legendary duel with the King in the Dark, she reluctantly joined the QUESTERZ. Loud, combative, and always chomping at the bit for any kind of fight, she’s constantly taunting and berating anyone who crosses her path, especially fellow QUESTERZ. Despite her fiery temper and rough edges, this hyrax has an undeniable knack for strategy— but only when she’s not too busy cussing someone out or trying to win an argument.


करिबस् स्कलस्

“Send in the snail. Time for an overwhelming show of shellfire.”
Karibas Skallas is always ready to remind the QUESTERZ that ’slow and steady wins the race.’ She serves as team's slow-paced and lowkey logistics expert. Once a minor accountant toiling away in the royal exchequer, she joined the QUESTERZ to escape palace life, which had become too slow for even her to handle! She’s the one who manages the team’s finances and does her absolute best to keep everyone focused on the quests at hand; the snail is at her best when having to put out multiple fires at once.


हसि लौब

“When I die, I want my body donated to a sorcerer. More specifically, a sorcerer who specializes in reanimation.”
Despite her looks, and whatever comes out of her mouth, do not underestimate this little white rabbit. Hasie’s unassuming nature is her greatest weapon. She delights in toying with her fellow QUESTERZ, often leading them into elaborate pranks or plans they don’t realize they’re part of. She claims that the rest of the QUESTERZ first met her on the floor of a tavern, but everyone else will be quick to tell you she worked as a bookkeeper in the Royal Library before being fired for stealing a grimoire.


मऋअन् वोन् हैन्ष्

“Mari’s gonna make you cry. Mari’s gonna sing until you cry.”
Marian von Heinz, the self-proclaimed ’Queen in the Dark,’ revels in her supposed villainy. According to her, she represents the primary evils which are conspiring together to crush the world into dust. Prior to joining the QUESTERZ, this dark elf was a minor noble who had a delightfully devilish knack for scheming around. Though nobody truly does take her truculent, villainous posturing quite seriously, her teammates do have to respect her mind— even if she uses it to foment chaos.



णोव आल्मगेस्त्

“Remember that we’re made of stardust.”

Nova is an ancient being who emerged out of the primordial cosmos, having dwelled among those who gave rise to the very first stars. As forerunner to the celestial entities that followed, she carries with her a vast wealth of knowledge, often acting as a mentor to those younger than her. Carrying eons of knowledge, Nova sometimes finds herself flustered when others don’t get her references to events that occurred billions of years in the past.



फ्रेय डेमोण्ब्रओइन्

“I have no gravity. And I must orbit.”
Freya is an embodiment of vitality, radiating an exuberance and cheerfulness that draws others to her. She holds a noble and generous nature, always thinking of others and going out of her way to help. Freya’s bubbling personality is contagious, and she thrives in social situations, often acting as the heart of the group. Freya’s noble demeanor makes her generous and uplifting, but despite her bubbly exterior, she has a fierce protective streak when it comes to her friends.


अबद्दोन् तम्मेर्मा

“I wanna do you slowly.”
At first glance, Abaddon appears to be a methodical, slow-moving individual, preferring calm deliberation over rash decisions. However, when prompted or challenged, she can quickly shift into a fast-talking, sharp-witted conversationalist. While her energy levels often oscillate, her sardonic and often ironic sense of the world never wavers. Despite her seemingly cold exterior, she holds deep loyalty to her friends and will defend them with truly fervent passion when necessary.


टबिति हिर्तय

“Huh? What’s that? Is it a comet? Is it a shooting star?”
The dreamtime comet, she’s similar to a clumsy dance that gradually gets more and more out of hand until, with what seems like a magic wand, all is abruptly swept away into the distant void of space. They call her the magician, as she's equal parts impressive and unpredictable, keeping you on edge. One moment she’s causing chaos, and the next, she’s performing feats of impressive magic, leaving everyone in awe. While she is absolutely a wildcard, her performances are undeniably captivating.


औसि ए्रिदिश्

“Silly what’s my name, the alien, whoever she was on the television?”
She comes in peace. This extraterrestrial, otherworldly lifeform lacks any knowledge of the concept of war. Her planet of origin is somewhere billions of light years away, and she’d really love to make friends... but she’s a little shy. Despite being a self-proclaimed “expert” on both human and Eras knowledge, she has occasional difficulties telling humans apart from other Erasian creatures.
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