[Inaius] The Freestar-Ventari Cold War (Open)

A T-72

TNP Nation
In Orbit of Ventari

Standard Collective Time: May 12th, 2312, 2:34 PM

Planetary Time: 1:12 PM

The small vessel of the Collective’s envoy flies through space. Upon approaching Ventari, the pilot slows the spacecraft down. Just seconds later, a transmission comes through.

“Unidentified spacecraft.” The Ventari Weapon’s Array begins, “You are approaching independent space. identify yourself or leave in the next 10 seconds or you will be shot down. Countdown begins now.”

The pilot of the spacecraft moves closer to the transmitter of the spacecraft.

“This is an official Collective of Socialist Planets spacecraft. Code is CSC-1244. We are expected.”

The weapons array is silent for about 30 seconds, likely checking the credentials, before speaking again.

“You’re clear to land. No funny business. Collective.

As the transmission ended, the pilot scoffed at the clear insult. It had been about 116 years since the War of 2196, and yet relations with Freestar and Ventari were tense. It seemed almost as if there was a Cold War between the two.

The spacecraft now began to enter the atmosphere of the planet. The heat shield would automatically deploy thanks to the spacecrafts AI system. After they were through the upper layers, the heat shield would detach, no longer needed. They’d get a replacement at the spaceport after all.

The envoy looked out the window, seeing little more than a lightly vegetated equator, a large city below, and two massive ice caps sandwiching the equator—the silhouettes of cities being obscured by the brutal snowfall.

“Warning.” The ships AI chimed. “Atmosphere reading moderate toxicity and extreme cold. EVA suit is highly advised.”

The envoy got up, walking into a chamber. As the chamber door shut, a system would automatically place the EVA suit on him.

As the spacecraft now got close to the spaceport, the vertical thrusters activated, ensuring safe landing, as the landing struts extended.

The envoy walked out of the spacecraft with two guards. A team of Ventari soldiers would be waiting.

“You.” One of them would begin to speak to the envoy—their voice cutting through the chill, winter air. “Follow.”

One of the envoys guards then chimed in.

“The envoy won’t go anywhere without us.”

The Ventari soldier would speak to the guard in a cold, demanding voice.

“And I don’t want some Freestar xeno-lover near our children. especially one with a weapon.”

“And I don’t want you a**holes to string up our envoy by his feet and execute him for sport.” The guard replied, getting in the Ventari soldier’s face.

The Ventari thinks for a moment.

“Fine. But if your finger even brushes the safety—I’ll make sure your family won’t have a body to bury.”

The men walk, their boots crunching in the white snow. The envoy takes note of the city. Almost no one is outside save for a few security. Propaganda posters and holographic billboards litter the city, all against one of two things—xenos, or the Collective.

As they reached the Ventari representatives office in the city, the envoy’s guards would wait outside, as the Ventari soldiers and the envoy entered.

The envoy sat down. In front of him the Ventaru representative talking on the phone before seeing him and hanging up.

The representatives chair now turned to face the envoy

“Ah. Another pathetic attempt at diplomacy I assume?”

The envoy didn’t let the words get to him, as he began.

“Ventari has ambushed several civilian and military vessels in the past few years. The Collective seeks a solution—and your compliance.”

The representative chuckled to himself—a smug nationalist of the Commonwealth of Ventari.

“They were in our space.”

“May I remind you the Treaty of Freestar forbade Ventari from colonizing additional worlds?” The envoy snapped back.

“That treaty is a violation of our rights as a sovereign nation.”

“Threatening the stability of the Collective is not a right-“

“Threatening?” The representative scoffed. “If anything your policies are threatening to yourselves. Allowing xenos to roam your nation freely. You know, one day, when you all die because you trusted the wrong xeno, we’ll be here. Laughing at your graves.”

“You and your nation are disgusting.”

“Same to yours, xeno-lover.”

The envoy now got up, storming out of the office.

“Let’s go.” The envoy spoke to his guards, “This entire mission was a waste of time.”

All 3 of the men walk towards their ship, preparing to leave this god forsaken planet.
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Atlas II Orbit

Standard Collective Time: May 16th 2312, 12:09 AM
Planetary Time: 1:19 AM

Multiple Oleg-Class Cruisers and Maksim-Class Cruisers surround the planet. Two Artyom-Class Carriers sit far from the cruisers—their fighters patrolling the lower parts of the atmosphere. Protocol: Orange had been declared by the Interplanetary Defense Corps. Xenophobic and Anti-Socialist groups had grouped together, and the Peacekeeping Corps was on the verge of defeat. With Protocol: Orange, the IDC would order both a blockade and a Military Intervention with 1.2 million troops scheduled to land on the planet. The rebel-controlled Anti-Starship Railguns had been destroyed by the IDC’s famous Spetsnaz—though more referred to as “Space Marines”, letting CSP form a blockade around the planet. The main goal of the blockade would be to not allow food shipments to land on the planet to halt the rebels from getting supplies by hijacking these cargo ships. Though the civilians by proxy were also suffering from the blockade.

A small ship would exit the atmosphere. The ship, about the same size as a house, would barrel towards the blockade. A rebel Blockade Runner. The rebels had been fitting small starships to the brim with explosives. They hoped for one of them to slip by undetected and ram into one of the blockade ships—which would cause the charges to detonate. Though it seemed as if the rebels were getting more and more desperate with each failure.

One of the cruisers large railguns would turn, charging, then firing. A small rocket on the railguns back would fire at the same time, negating its recoil. The small starship would be disintegrated by the projectile—exploding in space.

Minutes later, several landing starships would leave FTL speed near the blockade. These IDC vessels would pass by without any problems, descending into the atmosphere. As they land, scorch marks appear on the sand grains below them. As their ramps open and slam down on the ground, battalions would leave the landing ships—Construction, Mechanized, Armor, Air, and Infantry.

As a Forward Operating Base would be placed under construction, a rebel scout platoon would watch—relaying to their commanders.

“And Captain?” The rebel platoons squad leader spoke on his radio during one of his transmissions, a hint of worry in his voice. “Tell Ventari to get us more gear.”