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Commend Socialist Platypus
Category: Commendation | Target: Socialist Platypus
Proposed by: Haymarket Riot, Co-authors: Rei Khan, Ciapore | Onsite Topic
The Security Council,
Amazed that Socialist Platypus, a merry nation of collectivist monotremes that has served for some time as the Delegate of Conch Kingdom (CK) and has recently ascended to Administrator of the Augustin Alliance (AA), is not only on par with but exceeds many of its human counterparts on the World Stage in its dedication to these roles,
Endeavoring to extoll its accomplishments both in Conch Kingdom (CK), its home region, and also abroad both in the Augustin Alliance (AA) and in its capacity as diplomat for CK,
Noting Socialist Platypus’ nearly 1,000-day tenure as the longest reigning Delegate of CK during which it:
- Maintained over 100 endorsements as delegate consistently,
- Sent out weekly telegrams reminding all nations to endorse each other, placing the region regularly in the top 10 regions in the world for World Assembly Endorsements and contributing to Conch Kingdom’s strong cross-endorsement culture, a singular accomplishment that few nations can claim to have done alone, leading to CK's unmatched voting power in the United Regions Alliance and among Alliance regions,
- Temporarily became Governor of CK, only to peacefully transfer that power to Sandcastle as part of one of the most intricately coordinated stronghold-frontier-stronghold transition schemes in NationStates history, representing its steadfast dedication to the unity and stability of the AA and its institutions through returning control of the region to the Allied Commander,
Praising Socialist Platypus for its efforts across nine months as Minister of Foreign Affairs in CK, a position it was re-elected to twice, during which it developed the diplomatic corps into the strongest of any region in the AA, composed significant portions of the Treaty of Serious Business, which expounded on growing friendship between The League and the AA in spite of protracted diplomatic tensions, and established embassies between CK and The East Pacific, Osiris, Blue Ridge, Avaldonia, The North Pacific, The Pacific, and The League during its tenure, propounding Conch Kingdom’s standing on the world stage as a friend to regions both young and old across the political spectrum,
Admiring Socialist Platypus for its dedication to developing systems within Conch Kingdom and the Augustin Alliance which create a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive atmosphere, serving faithfully as Minister of Domestic Affairs in CK for a total of nine months, being re-elected twice to the role, in that time establishing standardized procedures for recruitment, retention, legislation, recordkeeping, and elections, fortifying CK's governmental procedures to this day, encouraging recruitment for every allied region, by the hand of its leader sending out over 700,000 recruitment telegrams on behalf of multiple AA regions by itself and through puppet nations over the last four years, and above all accepting new alliance members with a positive attitude, giving out Conch Cookies whenever a new nation enters,
Saluting Socialist Platypus for its dedicated journey in the Augustin Alliance’s Central Strategic Committee (CSC) in which it:
- Ascended to Administrator after just three months in the CSC as Culture Officer,
- Dutifully served as Acting Allied Commander in Emiline’s absence multiple times,
- Lead the Alliance to victory during the fifth nuclear apocalypse as commander and regularly guided the Alliance's future nuclear responses thereafter to this day by coordinating with allies, distributing pamphlets to ensure alliance-wide preparation for the apocalyse, and above all committing to tireless work building up KHAN's nuclear capabilities,
- Mentored and advised newer CSC members in leadership best practices, community management, and public relations, thereby ensuring the AA's continued success, diversity of ideas, and growth,
Recognizing Socialist Platypus as the primary cause of Conch Kingdom’s continued position as the Augustin Alliance’s flagship region,
Hereby COMMENDS Socialist Platypus.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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