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Midterm Address
16 November 2024
Fellow residents,
We have now crossed the half way mark in our term, it's been a enjoyable experience so far serving as your Minister of Home Affairs. We have accomplished a lot, in this report, we will look into the work we have done so far in this term as well as the various projects we have started.
List and Manual Recruitment
Though activity has been rather low from recruiters, we have managed to complete 5 lists in total, sending telegrams to 294 nations, we did lists for recruitment to the NPA, Executive Staff, Forum and for citizenship. Most of the work was done by top leadership, especially Deputy Minister @Petronellania. In manual recruitment, 4,943 telegrams were sent from 20th September to 10 November. @Petronellania once again stands at top with 3,105 telegrams sent, followed by myself with 1,075, and Delegate @Picairn with 1,059. Even with the activity issues, I find it quite impressive that we have managed to send over 5,000 telegrams.
Weekly mentor lists were restarted after they became sort of irregular, we have managed to send out a mentor list every week since the beginning of the term, completing 6 lists in total, activity in terms of mentorship is slightly better than in recruitment, Fregerson stands out with the most mentees claimed at 14, followed by myself also at 14. There weren’t any significant changes to the mentorship system, we continued to post categorised lists, new members of our Discord server were also included in the mentor lists.
Resource Review
Several of our in game dispatches hosted on the regional nation, The Northern Light, were updated. Some dispatches which used to be hosted on different nations were transferred to TNL, some dispatches updated include the NPA dispatches, Gameside Advocates, WADP Program among many more.
Ministry Projects
I said in the beginning of the term that I would try to revive the Points Project again to better motivate our staffers, I’m happy to say that we were successful in the revival of the project, details of which can be found here. We made it into a progressive, trading based reward system. Unfortunately although the program hasn’t increased activity itself, I believe with proper advertising of the program we can get it to spread and hence increase activity and motivation, this will be something that I will work on going forward.
Another project, which was quite recently brought up by Delegate @Picairn, was an automated welcoming system on our RMB which would welcome new players and direct them to the proper people/resources to help them navigate TNP. Here it is in action. We were able to implement this pretty quickly after writing the code to make it work, test it and refine the welcome message with feedback from the GAs. I believe it is a positive gain for TNP in the long run as it helps get our new players involved into the region.
That is it for my midterm address, I would like thank Deputy Ministers @Petronellania and @Nutmeg The Squirrel for their work thus far and hope we can continue this group effort. It has been an fruitful term so far, and I look forward to see what’s in store in the two months we are left of this term.
Thank you,
Minister of Home Affairs