Actuarial and Health Statistics - Pre-Draft


Ursine thingy
TNP Nation
607 replacement if that goes through.

[box]The World Assembly,

Noting its intense interest in the health and wellbeing of its inhabitants;

Believing that making informed decisions on such matters require detailed statistics, which appear somewhat lacking;

The WA hereby enacts as follows:

  1. Definitions.
    • ”STATS” means WA Statistics Service.
    • STATS is to be funded by the General Fund, and is responsible for interpretation this resolution.
  2. Responsibilities of WA states.
    • Each WA state is to designate a competent authority (or multiple authorities at sub-national government levels) to collect statistical data required by STATS as stated in clause (3). in order to:
    • Through careful analysis, better inform the government of the WA state (or any sub-national level governments) and hopefully improve decision making by that WA state;
    • Allow STATS to collate such data from each WA state for further analysis for the benefit of all WA member states collectively.
    • The data collected in this clause shall be separate for different sapient species.
  3. Data to be collected. STATS shall collate data from each WA state on all sapient species that inhabit WA states regarding the following matters:
    • Actuarial statistics, such as the composition of the population, birth and death rates, marriages, divorces, causes of death, identified gender, infant mortality, cannibalism, abortions, and euthanasia.
    • Census statistics considered important by that WA state, such as age, religion (if any), employment, education levels, income and wealth levels, and household status.
    • Biostatistics data such as population genetics, the occurrence of hereditary diseases, usage rates for cigarettes, alcohol and psychedelic drugs, allergies, and incidents of critical illnesses such as mesothelioma.
    • Occupational statistics, such as levels of mechanical, temperature, chemical and ergonometric stress tolerable for a particular sapient species, exposure to industrial chemical substances, enforcement statistics and any penalties metered out regarding legal measures enacted by a WA state to protect the health and safety of workers, workplace injury (and death) statistics with granular details regarding the cause of such injuries such as mechanical, chemical or ergonomic issues.
  4. Responsibilities of STATS.
    • If a WA state is unable to comply with clause (3) due to issues such as technology levels or resources, STATS shall assist that WA state to the maximum extent possible.
    • STATS is to set forth templates and sampling methods for collecting the statistical information stated in clause (3) for the convenience of the competent authorities of WA states collecting such data.
    • STATS is to conduct ongoing research into survey sampling, biostatistics research, linear regression, and other matters of concern to STATS, in conjunction with higher education institutions of individual WA states.
    • STATS is to advise WA organs on the quality of software for the use of WA organs, including all bleeding edge statistical models.
    • If STATS has particular needs to conduct surveys in WA states to gather specific data, such as the impact of a nuclear war occurring near a WA state, no WA state may impede the work of STATS in such matters.
  5. Clarifications.
    • No WA state shall send any information that can link the statistics collected to an inhabitant of a WA state to STATS.
    • STATS must immediately destroy and retain no copies of any data containing information that can identify an inhabitant inadvertently sent to it by a WA state.
    • STATS has the absolute right to collate any data collected by a WA state, so long as such data cannot be used to identify an individual. However, a WA state may simply not ask inhabitants under their jurisdiction certain questions that the said WA state deems as unnecessary.
    • References to “such as” are merely as examples. In particular, the examples given in clauses (4) do not represent an exhaustive list of data that a WA state’s government may wish to collect.
    • All STATS data shall be published through convenient physical and electronic means and shall be free of charge to all users.

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