Dali for Justice


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Good evening fellow North Pacificans!

It's been a while since I last solicited your vote, so I hope to introduce myself to many of you and re-introduce myself to folks who remember this old goat. I commonly go by the name Dali, as Dalimbar is my main nation, though I previously served as Delegate of The North Pacific several times (if controversially) under the nation Chodean Kal. I have been playing NationStates since 2004, and have had quite the journey in this game.

I genuinely believe that TNP is a special place. Every single GCR and other major region have their cultures and personalities. The North Pacific I know best is a region that is sure of purpose. Sure of direction. TNPers are fiercely proud of traditions of democracy, legalism, and institutions. TNP defends ourselves and allies to the end, carry a big stick around in the byzantine game of foreign relations, and maintain an exceptional community.

That's the TNP I would like to see again.

The Justices in our region carry a restrained role that comes into action during times of difference. I have no intention of mucking around in the day-to-day politicking in the region, but would rather provide a common sense perspective on decisions affecting the region from the bench. My general philosophy stems from the fair application of the law while identifying, mitigating, and if possible eliminating contradictory, nonsensical, or incoherent precedent and other sources for legal decision-making. As I am against legislating for the sake of legislating, I am opposed to legalese for the sake of legalese.

What I aspire to do, if elected, is to work with fellow Justices on improving service delivery timelines for opinions and decisions. It should not take months or god forbid longer for a decision or opinion to be reached, which frankly has negative impacts on not just parties to the case but the entire region at large. I am also interested in using the experience of my longevity in the region/game, while having had distance in recent years thus being a relative new pair of eyes, to the benefit of the court and others and assisting in finding any efficiencies for the court system.

I am interested in helping The North Pacific, as a long time friend. I believe that I can best assist the region at this time by working to solidify the legal system here.