Month One Report - October 2024


The Young Statesman
TNP Nation

All in a hard day's work...

My dear North Pacificans,

Today marks the completion of the first month of my Delegacy, and I wish to present a comprehensive report to the region on what we have achieved, what progress we have made, and where we are heading next.

At the start of the term, our government and army were struggling with activity issues as we freshly came out of the summer lull. I pledged to fix those problems by injecting energy into our stagnating government and implementing necessary reforms. One month later, I’m pleased to report that we have largely managed to turn the ship around and restore activity to the Ministries and the NPA, scoring some significant achievements in the process that are worthy of celebration.


On the Defense front, my solution to the NPA’s activity problems was to increase our tag raids and invasions, as these operations tend to get the most turnout. Having participated in nearly 80 operations by this point, I can say that raiding is one of the best parts of my experience in the NPA, and I believe many other soldiers and officers also think alike. To that end, I worked with Minister of Defense @Cosmic and Lieutenant @Blue Wolf II to create the Commandos, a special division dedicated to tag raids and invasions. Restrictions on quorum raiding were removed with the repeal of Delegate Directive #7, and fascist regions were exempted from legal prohibitions on NPA members performing class A and B restricted actions to give our soldiers more leeway in destroying them during joint fash bash ops.

The NPA itself has also been busy. After supporting The Wellspring in its successful Stronghold transition in conjunction with our allies, we went to support Carcassonne at their request upon the imminent CTE of their Emperor, Ysengrim. Afterwards, we launched our first fash bash operation of the term in The Kerberos Collective, which ended with a successful refound of the region. Another frontier has been denied to fascists, and I hope to continue these operations in the future.

Our next steps are to re-energise the NPA with internal competitions and events. I have spoken with Minister Cosmic and Chief of Staff @Nutmeg The Squirrel on creating tag competitions led by our best officers to see who can tag the most regions during an update, and planning is currently underway. In terms of training, the creation of a new Officer’s Manual - an instruction guide which covers advanced R/D knowledge and skills for officers - is also under consideration.

Foreign Affairs

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs enjoyed a great diplomatic victory: The region Sophia has decided to withdraw from their treaty with Sparkalia as a result of MGC sanctions, depriving the BoM sphere of a major allied region and proving that the sanctions work. Our allies in the NPO played a big part in making that happen, and I sincerely thank them for their efforts.

As Delegate, I have led active discussions on notable FA events in the Gameplay world among our Analysts, so that all of them can learn from these events, what they are and why they are happening. To help our staffers have a more hands-on learning experience, I am working with Minister @Chipoli and Deputy Minister @Attempted Socialism on holding exercises and case studies on historical NS events.


The Ministry of Culture has organised weekly community nights in our Discord server, namely a new Lorcana League and Blood on the Clocktower game nights hosted by our wonderful Deputy Minister @Wonderess. The planning behind a major interregional event with our allies, as hinted by Minister @Halsoni in his Opening Address, is also currently underway.

We joined KHAN for this N-Day and there was much fun to be had by all. Despite relentless assaults by ANAL and JEFF, we made an epic comeback and finished at second place with the help of our ally HOTA. I’m pleased to see TNPers having a good time during this event as we pummeled ANAL and JEFF into radioactive dust.

Z-Day is coming to us soon, and to determine our response against the zombie epidemic, we published a poll with four options. Voting is still open for another two days, so go vote now if you haven’t!


We managed to put out the August/September edition of The North Star on time, and a TNN article covering my election victory was also published. Planning for TNS’s October edition and an NBS broadcast covering the first month of the term are underway. I also hope to publish my first Fireside Chat as soon as I can find the time to do it.

Home Affairs

Fixing the Ministry’s activity problem was one of my first priorities as Delegate, since it is directly responsible for keeping our region alive through recruitment and integration. I’m happy to announce that the Ministry has returned to normal activity levels, though they are mostly driven by the top leadership i.e. Minister @Caius and his Deputies. From September 20 to October 19, a total of 3.110 manual recruitment telegrams were sent, with Deputy Minister @Petronellania standing at the top with 1.277 telegrams. Two telegram lists to recruit nations for the NPA and Executive Staff were also completed.

New mentee lists are published weekly and our Mentors are working to integrate newcomers into our community. With regards to Resource Review, Comfed’s break from NS meant that the NPA dispatches hosted on his nation were no longer maintained, so we updated those dispatches and hosted them on our regional nation, The Northern Light. The dispatches for the World Assembly Development Program, Embassy Policy, and Join the Executive Staff were also updated and modernised on TNL. My hope is to finish the updating of various WADP and government-related dispatches next.

To better motivate our staffers, Minister Caius and I worked on the restoration of the Points Project, where staffers can earn points based on their contributions and redeem valuable cards and badges from their hard-earned points.

WA Affairs

Under my direction, the Ministry of WA Affairs, and likewise our regional vote, has recently adopted a more NatSov approach to the GA to protest the falling quality of proposals in that chamber, and we are currently working to repeal our enemies’ resolutions while helping to pass the ones written by our allies.

In the SC, we successfully repealed the last TBH Condemn in a joint initiative with our MGC allies. Progress is underway on some of the Commendations for our most deserving TNPers.

The Transition

It is the Vice Delegate’s responsibility to keep track of the transition, but I wanted to discuss our progress on this front as well. At the time of this writing, the gap between me and Ghost is 72 endorsements, and I’m on track to get into the seat by early November if the current trend holds. Thanks to @9003's helpful script, I have regularly pinged my non-endorsers on the RMB - in addition to sending direct telegrams - to remind them to endorse me, the Vice Delegate, and the Security Council. Minister @Kaschovia's success in restoring the WADP also gave me another tool to convince non-WAs to join and endorse.

I have discussed with our Vice Delegate @Sil Dorsett on the matter of bringing back the Daily Card Lottery for Keepers of the North and organising card raffles for certain endorsement milestones in order to get our endo numbers up. They are definitely in the works.

Lastly, I want to point out a fun fact: Our region reached 6.000 nations in early October and have held above that level since, as we came out of the summer slump.

That is all, I look forward to accomplishing great things with all of you in the months ahead!

At your service,

Delegate of The North Pacific