Confirmation of Gorundu as Election Commissioner


Can’t be left unsupervised
Deputy Speaker
TNP Nation
New Matzeratia
The Delegate:
Mr. Speaker,

Also noting that his term expires on October 30th, I reappoint @Gorundu to another term as Election Commissioner.
@Gorundu has been appointed Election Commissioner by Delegate @Picairn. I hereby open the floor for debate and discussion on this matter. I would welcome a statement from the Delegate in support of the nominee should they wish to do so.

Should this reach a vote, I intend the following motion to be put before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination from the Delegate, appoints Gorundu to the Election Commission.
@Gorundu I thought you were pulling back on NS stuff, so I was a bit surprised you agreed to stay on for another term as a member of the EC. That being said, assuming you still have room for it, would you theoretically be able to serve as a supervisor in an upcoming election?

I’m also curious about recent EC changes. You were not a fan of them, seeing we’ve now done an election with the new rules, how are you feeling about the current ruleset?
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