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Opening Address - September 2024
21 September 2024
Hello all!
It is a privilege to once again serve as your Minister of Home Affairs. I would like to thank Delegate @Picairn for his trust in me to reinvigorate Home Affairs, given its importance to our region’s health, it’s an honour to be entrusted with this position. I’ll try my best to bring new energy to this ministry and help re-shape the state of recruitment and integration in TNP. I’ll keep this address short and sweet and detailed about my plans.
Firstly, I would like to get deputy appointments out of the way, I am pleased to know that @Nutmeg The Squirrel has agreed to stay on as Deputy Minister, a known face, they did great work as Deputy Minister last term and I am sure will continue such work this term. I am happy to let you know that @Petronellania has agreed to become a Deputy Minister, our most active manual recruiter who was awarded the Delegate Service Award for their contributions to recruitment. I am sure they will do excellent work as Deputy Minister. Deputies, please take your oaths. With that done, let's get into my plans.
We have a lot to do this term, my goal is to re-energize Home Affairs and revive it to an active ministry again. Firstly, the points program will be revived, it was originally introduced a while back but never came to fruition, the program will award the most active staffers with cards rewards and new badges. It will be a tier based progressive reward system, the person with more points will generally get higher rewards and more badges. A leaderboard of the staffers with the most points will be established and updated frequently.
Manual Recruitment will mostly stay the same, however recruiters will now be pinged regularly to complete the queue if it gets too large. Same goes for List recruitment if recruiters aren’t claiming rows. List recruitment will also now happen every week, with a rotation between the various topics of lists. The most active recruiters will be recognised monthly with a separate medal.
Mentorship will function similarly, it will also be a part of the points program, the more mentees a recruiter claims, the more points they will get and hence advance more. Mentors will also be pinged regularly to do their work. They also get a separate medal for being the most active. Since Welcome Wagon is a part of Mentorship now, it will function similarly to the above.
Resource Review has unfortunately been in a bit of a neglected state. This term, new projects and new renovations of TNP resources will be drawn up and will be worked on in Resource Review. Staffers who contribute to Resource Review will also get points based on their contribution, and rewarded accordingly.
Birthday Party Strike Group will work as it is currently, but we will aim to publish birthdays more regularly now.
That’s all I want to say, I look forward to re-building Home Affairs with the help of our staffers and making The North Pacific a better place!
Here’s to a better TNP and a better HA,
Minister of Home Affairs