Opening Address, 20 September 2024


Deputy Minister and Deputy Speaker - From the USA
Deputy Speaker
TNP Nation

Opening Address
20 September 2024
Citizens and residents of The North Pacific,

Hello, I’m Cosmic! I am humbled and honored to be appointed your Minister of Defense for this term. I’d quickly like to thank our delegate, @Picairn, for entrusting me with this Ministry, I have large shoes to fill.

Before I get into my plans for the Ministry of Defense, I’d like to introduce myself. I joined nationstates earlier in the year and joined the Ministry of Defense about a month later in early May. I originally wasn’t expecting to be particularly active, but I fell in love with R/D and TNP executive staff. I was quickly promoted through the ranks of the NPA and also became an ambassador in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Over the course of the last term, I worked closely with Picairn in both defending our allies during the NPA’s deployment to The Wellspring, and in conducting tag and detag raids. As MoD, I hope to continue much of the policy of the last Ministry of Defense. Needless to say, I do not have as much experience as the vast majority of Ministers, but I hope to also bring new insights and ideas for improving the Ministry of Defense.

That being said, my priority first and foremost is increasing activity in the NPA. Over Picarin’s term, we saw steady activity throughout the late spring and summer, which included usually a few operations per week, but it is still not at the level we need to win our war. My goal is to increase the number of operations led by our officers each week and encourage more soldiers to attend. It is necessary to regularly host operations in order to train our soldiers in the techniques of R/D and to ensure that everyone keeps their skills sharp. The community inside the NPA is a huge reason why I became so involved. Our soldiers are always so upbeat and lively, whether it be during a tag raid while we're being chased or even just in our barracks while new soldiers are being taught the ropes. The energy during a NPA-led operation is just different from any other, and I hope that we can become even more active.

Of course, in order for the NPA to stay healthy we need a steady stream of recruits. I plan to continue our current programs surrounding recruitment and hopefully host more campaigns. In addition to recruitment, the revival of the Instructor Program was instrumental in both my and many other soldier’s training, I hope to expand it to include new recruits rather than just warrant officers, as well as add additional skills to its purview. I believe that the combination of these actions will allow us to significantly increase our military power, These goals combined will allow us to increase our military power and ultimately advance our objectives pertaining to the war.

To help me achieve these goals, I hereby promote @Caius to Colonel and will join High Command. Caius has proven themself to be extremely capable and active in leading operations. I have full trust they are qualified for this job.

Along with that, I hereby appoint @Nutmeg The Squirrel as Chief of Staff of the NPA, as they have proven that they are more than qualified for the job in their past two terms as DMoD. They are active in leading operations and teaching our new soldiers the tools of the trade.

Recent operations have proven that the North Pacific Army is more than capable of securing the activity that we need to win the war and keep our soldiers strong. We have quite a few promising soldiers rising through our ranks, and I have nothing but trust that we will be able to keep improving.

For the North Pacific!


Minister of Defense
A very quick rise comparatively but everything I've heard about you suggests that this is fully deserved.

I do have a question about the Chief of Staff role - what responsibilities and functions does the Chief of Staff, and how will their role look in your Ministry?
Thanks everyone for your kind words!

I do have a question about the Chief of Staff role - what responsibilities and functions does the Chief of Staff, and how will their role look in your Ministry?
Thanks for your question! The Chief of Staff mostly focuses on increasing engagement within the NPA. So what that means is that they will keep up activity and soldier morale. Additionally, the Chief of Staff will take on some of the responsibilities of the now-abolished Deputy Minister of Defense role such as training soldiers and other things like that. I hope that answers your question!