Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific
Closing Address, July 2024
We're done. As many of you know, this was a pretty short term for me. I got in the seat a lot later than usual and I've only served for little under two months. In that time we got some stuff done, though. I'll be getting into that as we go through this closing address. Having been the face of Communications for over a year I can say it's hard. Constantly doing the same thing over and over again takes a toll and with me now having started college it'll mean I'll be moving on to new opportunities. Don't worry, I'm not leaving. This won't be one of those "farewells now I'm gone" addresses. I'll probably be rambling a little bit in this first paragraph, but I think some things have to be said. We live in strange times. The war, this election, and the culture in this region. These are all significant issues that influence the course our region is taking and I just want to let everyone know that sometimes stability is preferable to energy. But alas, we're the premier democracy on NationStates. I respect the electorate's decision and I'll just have to roll with it. To be quite frank, this term has been a little bit of a mess. I resigned earlier in the term from my positions in the executive, after having refused a cabinet position before the term even started, and to be quite honest, I don't regret that. I needed some time away from all of this shit and having recharged I reentered the executive as a minister. It's pretty ironic if you think about it. I've enjoyed my time here and I've learnt so much from everyone. I'm so grateful for the experience and to all the people who've accompanied me on this journey I say thank you.
Okay, that's out of the way. Let's go.
We've managed to somewhat fulfil the Delegate's goal of weekly TNN issues, but I think we've been quite successful despite the challenges we faced. TNS is very close to getting done, but we faced significant delays due to articles not getting finished and me starting college. Anyway, we got at least one issue out which I think is 'good enough'. I inherited a failing ministry, but thanks to a wonderful team we managed to push through and get it back up to speed. That's really all I have to say on this.
Thank you's
There are a couple of people I'd like to thank for making this possible. First of all, my good friend @Jinkies, who supported me when I needed it, both personally and professionally, and made all of these wonderful polls possible. Next up is @Picairn, who's always been there in Communications, and it's clear he's done a great job as a deputy and I've never regretted appointing him as my deputy back in January.
Very Important
In conclusion, despite the challenges we faced, we have made significant progress in fulfilling the Delegate's goal of weekly TNN issues. Although there were delays and obstacles, we managed to push through and make TNS very close to completion. I am grateful for the support of my team for their unwavering support and their outstanding performance in Communications. I am proud of what we have achieved and look forward to continued success in the future under different leadership. (I hope Kasch continues the trend of a pretty layout for addresses)

Minister of Communications