Vote Ron, Then Vote Dreadton


PC Load Letter
TNP Nation
I had intended to sit out this election, Comfed was a candidate who would have been capable and able to keep the region on track and move us forward. With his withdrawal, there is no remaining candidate with a practical plan and ability to lead. Vote for me or not, the best thing for the region is to vote YES to reopen nominations for the Delegacy.

A course of action for the next term.

A major issue that we face is the trickle of staffers entering the government. Burnout is far outpacing our ability to keep the Ministries Staffed and active. During the first term, I want to tackle this using the best tools we have available, the Ministries themselves.


Communications has to be one of the best success stories of a Ministry that was struggling to survive and managed to put itself back on the road to growth. Our regional publication came back strong and relatively steady. I would like to continue that success, but with the normal setbacks, TNS would likely need some tweaking to keep it steady roiling out. I would, if necessary, move it to a series of shorter articles and blurbs, along with its traditional sized articles when possible, in order to keep the publication moving forward. I would like to see areas outside of the government highlighted in the publication; examples would be RP highlights and RMB happenings.

Culture is our bread and butter activity makers. As I spoke on last run, I want more of the soft events during the terms to keep activity up. For those who missed my last campaign, Soft events are events that are not restricted by time zones and can run with min staff involvement. Things like writing contest, RMB activities, and Theme Months fall into this category.


The GAs have come along way from being traffic cops to being the face of the region on the RMB. For the next term, I want to continue that trend in the correct direction. I want the GAs to highlight positive things going on on the RMB, directing players who are active on the RMB to areas of the Region that align with their interest, and keeping an eye out for potential talent that can contribute to the region.


The WA had a few missteps on the global stage this year. If elected, I will return to our established policy of voting as directed by the WA, except in matters in which we a required to vote a certain way by treaty (such as the MGC and WALL). Our WA vote has been the source of some conflict with other regions. Demands were made, ultimatums issued. So I will say this now to any regional leader reading this, if elected "I will vote as directed by our democratic procedures and will of the citizens of TNP, and keep with our treaty obligations as TNP has committed to them."

HA is the unnoticed juggernaut of a ministry. They tireless work recruiting, outreach, and mentorship. The Main issue facing HA is keeping the leadership in place and active and recognizing the work that they do. I would like to have a special HA week on the RMB for highlighting their work and how players can reach out to them, to help or for guidance.

I've spent part of my time as Advisor to the Delegate, keeping up with the developments of our FA team (and occasionally offering 13th man enlargements for discussions.) We have a good team in place to guide a delegate on how to responds to outside demands and request, but it does require a Delegate to listen to them. Comfed did bring up a good point in his campaign and it is one I would like to adopt going forward. Developing new talent in the FA sphere will require mentorship and direction. A program that pairs an established staffer with a high level FA Committee Member would help build a continuing pool of people we can rely on to advise the Delegate on FA matters.

My position on the NPA hasn't changed since my last campaign.

Outside, In, and the Forever War

We knew going into the war with BoM, it would be hard to define when we won. How can you defeat an enemy in a text based game? They have no supply lines, no infrastructure, no economy, and nothing that can be forced to submit. We settled into a war of containment, we would try to oppose them when they acted and try to push them in a corner. We began to lurch from one operation to the other, one crisis to the next. We never really gained a strong foothold on their necks. During this campaign, we discovered that a few of our allies were not willing to support us as we supported them. We were quick to shed off the dead weight and gain new ones. As it stands, we have settled into our comfort zone of hitting them where we can, working to undo their actions when we can, and maintaining the balance.

What can we do going forward? Every Delegate campaign since I have joined the North Pacific talks about recruiting more soldiers. ( Indeed its a laudable goal and the militia initiative is a great program.) But there will never be enough soldiers in the Army. We need to capitalize on what strengths we have, our ability to collation build, to use resources effectively, and our wealth of knowledge on how the game works. We can reach out to smaller frontiers and build bridges, help them learn how to run R/D. A region with 20 active people and 2 who want to participate in R/D gives us 20 new friends and 2 people on the front lines. We have to be willing and proactively reaching out of our established circle. We know how to update in a region and we have many experience people who know how to place a sleeper in a region. I want our opponents to worry about every operation they conduct. While they are over to the left doing a tag run, we are in their role play region spray painting the walls and reciting the Bee Movie. When they are holding a region, we are Delegate tipping their allies.

We have the Foreign Affairs and Defense experience to make this happen, now. We just need to be willing to put it into action.
What is your opinion on Raiders serving in the NPA?
Same as Defenders, if you are participating in the NPA your priority should be NPA operations and TNP loyalty. Should a raider, defender, or other be member of an region/org we are at war with, they will need to make a choice TNP or that organization.
Hey there Dreadton, in the case you’ll be declaring candidacy and running for delegate, what’s gonna be your style? Will you be hands on or hands off etc.
Would you return NPA to a "one gameplay military only" membership model that we've had in the past?
No, we are not in the position to have such a policy

Hey there Dreadton, in the case you’ll be declaring candidacy and running for delegate, what’s gonna be your style? Will you be hands on or hands off etc.

A mix of both, you cant micromange every aspect of the government, but you must be engaged with those you appoint to lead your ministries and keep informed of its going ons. It is a bit of a tight rope to walk, one i have to do in real life.