Hello everyone!


TNP Nation
As the title would suggest... hello everyone! This thread is seemingly overdue where I had made a conscious effort to join The North Pacific and apply for Citizenship a while ago but better late than never, right?

I guess I'll introduce myself a little bit! My main alias online is Acerius, however I've decided to embrace the name of my nation - Rettverborg - across the region's platforms. My nation's policies and benchmarks are somewhat akin to my political beliefs in real life, albeit with a Scandanavian/Nordic twist and turned up a couple dials. Why? I'm not really sure, to be honest - I guess I wanted an interesting base to produce some Factbooks and Dispatches as I do like writing and I'm sure as autumn and winter rolls around I'll definitely be spending more time drafting. I first played NationStates probably around a decade ago where I didn't really get involved with the regional and World Assembly aspects. I'm looking to get involved more in the region itself in the near future as I think I'd like to have a crack at drafting some proposals for the World Assembly.

I'm a 23-year-old designated male at birth - pronouns he/him - from London in the United Kingdom. I've worked in the UK Civil Service for just over four years now, having recently moved to a different government department. I would definitely describe myself as looking to be a career Civil Servant with an aspiration for the Senior Civil Service; if I were to move to the private sector, I'd probably only do so for a limited time to gain some exposure to gain experience in an industry area I'm really passionate about. My main hobby is video games where I play Garry's Mod, Counter-Strike 2, League of Legends and more recently Satisfactory on rotation. My main shtick is PERPHeads on Garry's Mod which I've been a part of for around 11 years. I also enjoy going on walks, reading, spicy food, and listening to a plethora of music (I came 14th in the 49th edition of The North Pacific Vision hosted by @Petronellania!).

I'll finish off by saying I've seen some great stuff coming out of the region and very high levels of engagement which is fantastic and I'm looking forward to being more involved myself soon. Feel free to ask me anything and I'll look to respond if I can. Cheerio!