The Girl of the Sun OOC


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Welcome to The Girl of the Sun! The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place for various character profiles of the RP's major characters to give new readers a sense of who's who.

The Characters



By all accounts, Arlowyn was no one special; a Korhish peasant girl who had spent her upbringing helping her parents with the farm, animals, and harvests. Her natural pearl-white hair really was the only thing of worthy note. When the dreams came - and then the voices - she initially had little understanding of the destiny being laid out before her.
Arno, the sun god, sent her to find a long-lost sword wielded by the Arathelic Emperors of old. And upon the winding paths of the Aggetine Mountains, her purpose was made clear:
The Dark Lord is on the march again - looking to finish what he began centuries before. But the Empire that stood against him is gone. The bickering, squabbling Thirteen Realms are all that remain and these divided lands cannot hope to survive so long as they remain as such. It is up to her to unite these kingdoms of men and lead them against all the powers of evil.

text provided by @Arc



Arbia is an Arkian, a savage people who live to the east of Salorth's Schattenreich. Like all of her people she was born under Salroth's watchful eye, her people dominated by the one who they call "Lord."
Arbia became a warrior like her father and twin brother Cail and longed to prove herself in battle. That chance seemingly came when Salroth's Prophet called the Arkian clans to join the Dark Lord in war against the human Thirteen Realms. Arbia, however, would not march south with her people. Instead, word of her innate ability to sense souls- a very rare Arkian hunter's trait- reached Salroth himself. She was tasked with travelling ahead of Salroth's armies so she could track down a human peasant girl named Arlowyn his prophets say is the only being who could stop the Dark Lord's march of conquest.



Daughter of the eldritch goddess of darkness and whispers, she hides in plain sight hunting, spying and plotting, always seeking to serve an agenda none but herself understands. Whatever her unknowable designs they seem to involve Arlowyn , for better or worse.

text provided by @North Timistania



Hailing from the Elven homeland of Vastornu, Erdan suffered from an early age due to his half-elf blood, facing prejudice from both humans and elves. Refusing to let others decide his fate, he chose to forge his own path through blood and steel. Erdan built a large, powerful mercenary company, drawing members from freed slaves and fearsome creatures like ogres and spiders. Known for his ruthlessness and tactical genius, he fights alongside his armies all over the world, seeking to carve out his place in a society that once shunned him.

text provided by @Nogori



Ember is Queen of the Demons, a Succubus who is chief among Salroth's many consorts. She is known across the world by many forms- demon, harlot goddess, god of love and fertility, but above all she is loyal to Salroth and was one of the first cosmic beings to pledge her support for him during the schism after creation.
Salroth sends Arbia south ahead of his armies to eliminate Arlowyn, but views even talented Arkians more as blunt tools than anything. He tasks Ember with posessing the Arkian girl to ensure she stays on task and eliminates the only being his own prophets fear.



Salroth, the dark lord, master of demonic forces, and enemy of the free world. Cast out of his angelic pantheon, Salroth has devoted his existence to conquering Sorras in an effort to usurp the “old man”.

After breaking the Empire, Salroth has finally gathered the forces to conquer the entire northern continent. The thirteen realms, a divided mess of petty kingdoms is the lone bulwark against the hordes of darkness.

The stage is set, and it seems like the dark lord is the director.

text provided by @Ianmey7

Note: All images created via AI in Microsoft Copilot
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