The Collected Works of Brother Maynarch


Dear reader,

The following are the collected works of the late Brother Maynarch on religion in the Kingdom of Lavan. Poor Brother Maynarch unfortunately was the victim of a terrible spell rebound, where we believe he was imploded, exploded, re-ploaded, turned inside out, outside in, dissolved, resolved, reconstituted and then cast to wander what could have been but never was, through a cold and lightless void where infinite worlds yawned in a dark and unforgiving universe, but I digress. All this to say we believe during this event he contracted pneumonia, of which he would pass some weeks later, a terrible, terrible shame. As you read this treatise I pray you find the same love for learning Brother Maynarch once had, may he find peace in Dawn's rosy fingers.

Brother Adams
High Abbot of the monastery of Their Holy Light

On Religion in the Kingdom of Lavan
By Brother Maynarch, servant of Their Most Radiant Light


Brothers, Sisters, and Dear Readers,

It seems only right that this treatise begin with an exploration into the general mysteries of our pantheons and our most Radiant Patrons. As you surely know, the principle human Divinities of the Kingdom are the Twin Lights, The Dawnlord, and Lithiel, the Lady of Civilization. The Lord and Lady are Chief amongst the gods of the Kingdom, both in power and influence, for who does not pray they will see the next Dawn? Or that their villages or cities are prosperous? The texts and blessings tell us only Varanya, our lady of cultivation approaches them, for all pray that the harvest is plentiful. That is not to say I deny the possibility of interlopers who may hold power beyond my understanding, however dear reader I hope my ignorance is but brief as I plan to travel the Kingdom in search of that very answer. In the first book of this work I will discuss the gods of men, before embarking to the great mountain of Kharad and the southern wetlands to unravel the mysteries of the Dwarven Deep gods, and the furtive deities of the Elves. Through education and temperance, I will seek to being further unity to our peoples and to our gods. It is nearly two centuries since the Bringing of Bones and the Night of Falling Fire, and yet our One Kingdom remains a Kingdom of Thirds. Under the Light of Lady Lithiel let our civilizations be joined! Let Dawn show a Kingdom United!

Brother Maynarch
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