TABLET-25d Database


The holographic welcome screen of a TABLET-25d


Welcome to Mayari Industries®TABLET™, version 25d.

The Mayari Industries®TABLET™ is a holographic smartwatch for interstellar travel and daily convenience. Originally, it was first a tablet device called Terminal Amalgamated Biometric Linked E-commercial Transference™, the first digital wallet in Starsea capable of interplanetary transactions. Mayari Industries®, in partnership with the Allied Exchequer, worked to develop the first digital payment system in Starsea as part of the Currency Digitalization Act. Now TABLET™ has audio, video, and holographic call uses with compatible devices. It can also be equipped with a wide range of portable modules for added functionality. This includes short-range environmental scans, biosign monitor alerts, LIDAR, etc..

In addition, Mayari Industries® has developed specialized models for careers and other areas. TABLET-EDU™, the flagship product of Mayari Industries® line of specialized models, is used by students and teachers in partner planetary school systems. The TABLET-EDU Database™, a built-in encyclopedia on general topics, is now included in TABLET-25d and all future versions.

Mayari Industries® has entered a new partnership with the Hall of Records and the Starsean Commission to develop an exclusive TABLET™ model for official government use. A device that will integrate and synchronize state information-based technologies and information traffic.

All displayed elements are color-coded for ease of use and to ensure TABLET™ users can locate the information they require in a timely fashion.

[Missing Entries] are red.
[Active Entries] are blue.

TABLET-25d is ready for user input.
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"Starsea" category page in TABLET-EDU Database

Pages in category "Starsea":

  • Starsea
  • History of Starsea


Government of Starsea
>Council Commission
>Council of Worlds
>Governorate of Administrative Affairs
>High Representative of the Council
>Permanent Vice President of the Council Commission for Interinstitutional Relations
>President of the Council of Worlds
>Starsean Assembly
>Starsean Commissioner for the Defense Union
Law enforcement in Starsea
>Starsean Commissioner for Home Affairs
>Starsean Commissioner for Justice
>Starsean Court of Justice
Economy of Starsea
>Starsean Commissioner for Agriculture and Rimworld Development
>Starsean Commissioner for Competition
>Starsean Commissioner for Energy
>Starsean Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship
>Starsean Commissioner for Mining and Stellar Affairs
>Starsean Commissioner for the Internal Market
Finance in Starsea
>Starsean Commissioner for Financial Services and the Market Customs Union
>Starsean Financial Controller for Taxation, Statistics, and the Quidzone
Trade in Starsea
>Starsean Commissioner for Trade
Labour force in Starsea
>Starsean Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Health in Starsea
>Governorate of Health and Food Safety
>Governorate of Pandemic Prevention
Education in Starsea
>Starsean Commissioner for Research and Education
Environment in Starsea
>Governorate of Pollution Control
Transportation in Starsea
>COW Scout Authority
>Starsean Commissioner for Transport
Megacorporations in Starsea
>Mayari Industries
Culture in Starsea
>Galactic Chronology Directorate
>Hall of Records
>Official Anthem of Starsea
>Starsea Standard Language
List of COW Historic Landmarks
>Alliance Pavilions
>Council Commission Building
Races in Starsea
Military of Starsea
>Defense Forces of the Council
>Governorate of Advanced Research
Constituent civilizations of Starsea
>The United Gardens
>Transitional Thudie Government
>Vilgaxian Empire
Sister republics of Starsea
>Ringworld Two, S.R.
>United Human Confederacy
Planets in Starsea
>New Mars
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