The Northern Chess Championship: Sign-ups Open


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TNP Nation

Hello and welcome to the first Northern Chess Championship (NCC)!

In honor of the Northern Chess League, which will hopefully be resurrected one day, a new tournament is here! For the next week or two, we'll be taking sign-ups in this thread to determine the participants.

How does it work?

Sign-ups will be open until we have eight participants, unless interest is greater than expected, in which case we will go for sixteen. Then, they will be paired randomly into four match ups, with the winners of each round advancing until a champion is crowned. This tournament is in double elimination format, which as can be seen in the bracket at the bottom, means you can lose twice before you are eliminated fully.

Where do we play?

This tournament will be using Lichess, which was also used for the Northern Chess League, so most participants should already have an account.

Is there a signup form?

Yes, fill out the form below and post it in this thread. You will then be entered into the tournament and masked on Discord so you can be pinged with relevant information.

TNP Nation:
Lichess Username:

Is there a bracket?

Yes, for this first tournament there is a losers bracket which means if you lose your first match you still have a chance to continue playing in the tournament and even win! The full bracket can be found in the post below.
Official Tournament Bracket


Round 1:

Chipoli vs Izern // 1-0
El Fiji Grande vs Lemsrow // 0-1
Kaschovia vs Alsatian Island // 0-1
Zyvetskistaahn vs Vivanco // 0-1

Round 2:

Chipoli vs Lemsrow // 0-1
Alsatian Island vs Vivanco // 1-0
(LB 1) Izern vs El Fiji Grande // 0-1
(LB 2) Kaschovia vs Zyvetskistaahn // 1-0

Round 3:

Lemsrow vs Alsatian Island // 1-DQ
(LB 3) Vivanco vs El Fiji Grande // 1-0
(LB 4) Kaschovia vs Chipoli // 0-1

Round 4:
(LB 5) Vivanco vs Chipoli // TBC
Last edited:
TNP Nation: Izern
Discord: reggiestustu (2011 Mercedes-Benz A160)
Lichess Username: ReggieStuStu
TNP Nation: Vivanco
Discord: endlessjudge
Lichess Username: VivancoPR
TNP Nation: Lemsrow
Discord: Lemsrow the Sophisticated Maniac
Lichess Username: Martledola
We have eight competitors, which means sign-ups are now closed! More tournaments will be run in the future if this one goes well, so there will be more opportunities to play.

Fixtures will be released tomorrow for the first round.