May 2024 FA Update



Population: 1,376 | Delegate Endorsements: 247
President UPC | Speaker Cordova I | Chief Justice Primorye Oblast​

Regional News

Presidential Election Won By UPC / Grea Kriopia Ticket, Run-Off Avoided

Facing down three competing tickets (Sincluda/Gem, JL/Prov, and Caldrasa/August) with a confident and proactive campaign, UPC/GK secured 68% of the votes on May 25th. The UPC/GK ticket ran on a themed platform, centering on Infrastructure, Visibility, and the ongoing Wars. Their main opponent, the Sincluda/Gem ticket which amassed 25% of the vote, ran a lively campaign with initiatives like the Livewire and a World Assembly counter-campaigning taskforce, while wanting to solve problems with the Navy and Foreign Affairs agreements they identified. There were 56 votes cast in total, a relatively low turnout compared to recent Presidential elections.

Europeia and Allies Party At Camp Anawanna

In the last weekend of May, Europeia was joined by allies from 10000 Islands, Balder, and The South Pacific at Camp Anawanna for some campfire songs, ghost stories, and training in advance of the Defender Olympics. The summer camp-themed event ran from May 23 to May 27 with popular events including a nation creation contest and the return of Amongus with other party games. Militaries from all regions also did joint training together in preparation for the upcoming Defender Olympics anticipated in July to brush up on their chasing and speediness in hopes of winning medals later on.

Two Senate By-Elections in May Prove Difficult For Senate Hopefuls

May was the month of Senate By-Elections after the unexpected resignation of Senate Speaker Lloenflys and planned resignation of Senator Southwestern Germany. Voters went to the polls twice; The first on May 11 as Gem, Prov, and Olde Delaware Jr vied for an open seat. Gem and OD locked into a run-off after defeating Prov handily and Gem emerged victorious after a late voting swing in their favor. The following election came May 29 in a more crowded field of Ambrella (Sopo), Industhan, PhDre, and Prov. Although Sopo entered the race last, he won victory handily with 62.8% of the votes to avoid a run-off. Congrats to the newly elected Senators!

Citizen Spotlight: Caldrasa

Returning Citizen Spotlights to the Office of the Vice Presidency once again, Vice President Grea Kriopia authored the first Citizen Spotlight of the term featuring one of Euro's up-and-coming young citizens, Empire of Caldrasa. Caldrasa joined Euro in March 2024 and has been hard at work in the Ministries of Outreach and Gameside on top of their bouncy social presence in the Euro server. Serving now as Deputy Minister of Outreach, Caldrasa has impressed the region with their eager spirit and will likely to continue to thrive as they learn and grow in their political career!

Europeian Media Highlights

EBC Article: The Trail of Ashes - A Frontier Update Retrospective - A retrospective of impacts from the Frontier/Stronghold mechanic update published alongside Europeia's first Frontier Day at the start of May that discusses the updates impacts (or lack thereof) on new frontiers, military gameplay, and and more.

EBC Article: Presidential Election Preference Polling - In the run-up to the Presidential election, the EBC did some polling in end of term satisfaction to feel out voters' preferences before the race had begun

EBC Article: Presidential Election Live Blog - A live blog posted during the Presidential Election voting period tracking stats in voting over time and commentating on the race

EBC Article: [BREAKING NEWS] UPC Re-Elected President in Record-Low Turnout Election - The first article out after Presidential Elections ended, sharing final results and commenting on the low voter turnout

EBC Article: By-Election Senate Candidate Interviews - Interviews of Senate Candidates in the second Senate By-election in the month of May

EBC Radio: UPC/GK Cabinet Reveal Show - Listen to the recording of President UPC and Vice President Grea Kriopia reveal and discuss their cabinet picks shortly after their election!